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Yeah, they’re called “prison guards.”

This is what the right has never understood.  Democracy is literally about giving things to people, things that they deserve.  Healthcare, groceries, a little walk around money.  Everyone deserves that.  Working a job until you die isn’t life, it’s called being a slave.  Democracy is about freeing people from their

No, not since Sherman’s March.

We need to win Texas and Georgia before we focus on the deep south.  

Didn’t hear about that one. Does seem like this happens every couple years to a Columbia professor though.

Maybe someday, but let’s first focus on just getting every person inside America - citizen or not - to vote.  America First right?  I think even Trump supporters will agree with this.

America Online is calling, they want their caps lock back.

Interesting that the police are always able to identify the motive as some type of hate or terrorism when the alleged perpetrator has a name like that. Really makes you think.

Outrageous.  If you live within the United States our policies affect you directly and you should be able to vote in our elections.  If the Republicans don’t like that maybe they should start paying attention to our shadow communities instead of trying to deport them all.  If United States policy affects you, then you

Actually you are talking about the noose being hung on the door of a professor at, how interesting, the same Columbia University where this happened.

I think that part of what it means to be on Michael Cohen’s side though is being against Trump. 

Not a hockey fan, but funny how blind side hits are illegal in a supposedly tough sport - meanwhile in the NFL you have famous books promoting them. 

Right, but does that imply he’s against Trump or for him?

Still impossible to tell whose side this guy is on.

The alt right will blame the victim and the center right will blame the extreme left.  Nobody is criticizing Israeli policy except AOC.  There’s nothing to criticize. 

We will block all major highways at key choke points and disrupt the lives of as many people as possible so that they finally wake up and stop supporting Trump.

Can’t wait for the alt right to claim she did this herself. They always say that, and it’s never true. Five seconds of Googling proves this but most are too lazy.