Mike Honcho

Goddammit NBA, let me enjoy a few more years before you turn into fucking MLB and I have to start watching soccer or some shit.

How about Rom’s effort all game was subpar, as was his decision making. When his first touch is crap and he’s having trouble creating changes, he should be making up for that with effort. He wasn’t giving enough when there was a game to win and it doesn’t matter if you’re Zi-fucking-dane if you’re not trying, let

I spent so much time proving to my boyfriend that Mexico (and specifically Mexico City) was a safe place to visit. I finally won him over and when we got there, he was like “I don’t know why people are so scared of this place.” There are a number of cities in the US that people go to without blinking that are

He was selling drugs. He sold to all the white guys on campus ... He was the worst.”

“I am resigning from this job because of an interview I gave to a documentary that details actions that were fully known to Southwestern Christian University when they hired me.”


Should have stayed in the box and let it come to him. Why did he have to gopher it?

These posts are getting old. “Man parks collection of fire trucks in front of house” “man parks airplane in driveway”. Can we stop defending these people? They are any eyesore, and they make the neighborhood look like a circus, which hurts house prices. What’s so wrong with neighbors trying to maintain their house

I understand that we as a country try to be supportive of our veterans. Some have sacrificed so much, if not everything to protect our country. They fight for our freedom. However, as a homeowner, I have the freedom of not seeing a huge ugly beast parked by my house.

Jack Tatum

People will be soft on this because it’s a vet, and we all want to support our vets. If it was out in the country, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Potaders! Just whip baby!

Paul Ryans reputation as the Republicans serious policy guyseems to be entirely based on the fact that he wears a nice suit and takes himself very seriously. Nothing he has ever done has shown any indication that he is actually capable of creating any kind of actionable policy. Look at this healthcare fiasco and

I think you just plagiarized a quotation typically attributed to Alexander Hamilton.

69 +1

It’s been sullied by poors.

“How many students said I exposed myself?” said Sharkey.

Then you have to worry about the person being not well or weaponized. It’s been if we all just learn how to let things go every now and again.

D.B. Pooper

He’ll be fine in prison. Abuse in prison doesn’t happen as often as we’re told, let alone prison rape, nor is either situation funny to joke about.