Mike Honcho

Isn’t that the same as saying most of these ag bailouts and farm subsidies exist in low tax areas with overwhelmingly republican government? It is the farmers responsibility to grow his.her own shit so why are all these taxes/subsidies to bad farming?

The DC metro has a very high rate of white folks riding in from those suburbs of VA and MD.

If you are on the pitch with Tevez and named Ezequiel you should be careful from this point forward.

So tired of acting like Reagan always won. Ran from Lebanon, bombed Libya, then Libya blew and airliner out of the sky and he....didn’t do shit. Helped horrible dictators in South America and sold weapons to Iran. But tough on immigration, maybe if amnesty is tough I guess.

Had I won the $1.5B powerball I would have had to at least entertain the idea of attempting to acquire Newcastle. It is a shame they operate like they have the revenue of Burnley.

This is probably one of those folks that also believes they know how to balance the U.S. budget.

I wish we had the leadership of Sheriff Bud Boomer in this country. Metric is for commies...and more accurate measurements I’m told.

This hit along with the cheap shot Steelers’ OL Cody Wallace performed on a Broncos’ DB yesterday should lay the foundation for implementing the NCAA rule of ejections for targeting. I hate the rule but flags and fines seem to mean very little to the players.

What happens if the Spurs finish 4th, but Chelsea wins the UCL or Liverpool win Europa? That guarantees Chelsea or Liverpool a UCL spot, but does it put the Spurs out? I hope so.

With a US Congressman on board the Korean place as well.

You could use “fanatical followers of a religion that believes in subjugating people vs a totalitarian regime that would do most anything to keep its power” or “climate change” in either sentence you wrote and each would still be true.

An aluminium truck, unless you have bears.

Free lunch my ass. The cafeteria is over priced as mofo. If you want to eat a lunch that was paid for by a special interest organization that still isn’t free. It is the same horror as sitting through a time share pitch in Cancun except you’re on the Hill...and you’re likely an unpaid intern.

Fill up your damn gum ball machine!

Yeah, you did. You were supposed to fight for people who couldn’t fight for themselves. You were supposed to fight for Willy.


So a suspension goes from two games down to one, then up to four?

* Having to go to Maryland suburbs.

Neighbor gets new truck with a personalized Tea Party license plate...yet his wife works for Department of Education and he is a government contractor.

OMG you’re right, totally Obama and Hillary’s fault then. No one else whatsoever, just those two. Thanks Obama!