Mike Honcho

I think you are expressing gratitude to the wrong administration regarding Georgia, but if it fits into your narrative better it is okay to make up facts.

The counseling wasn’t counseling, it was working with a dude doing manual labor (remodeling). The dude was friend of the parents. The told the church elders, who did next to nothing. The cop they reported Josh to was a state trooper that was also a friend of the family. The trooper gave Josh a lecture. the trooper in

It appears from the shadows in the first 10 seconds of the video that there is a car directly in front of the work truck. Camaro speeds through on right side and then tries to get in front of what is probably a line in the passing lane to get around 18 wheeler. The camaro lacked patience and probably looks to try and

Isn't Gomer Pyle gay and previously sing prior to the Indy 500?

It's real, and it was spectacular.

Let us not forget the 2018 WC. Russian treatment of gay folks, ethnic minorities, and Ukrainians doesn't seem ideal.

Nose looks like pig.

A reason you should never ride a bike in a crosswalk.

The F-15 near the crash is a US bird from Lakenheath England.

This list has some validity if I am forced to stand and fight to the death. But fighting a gorilla would be fucking terrifying. He is more agile, quicker, can climb shit, and of all these animals is the most likely to sexually assault me—Clarence Beeks can verify this possibility.

Of course it's offensive...that is why the shoot black folks when they put their hands up.

This is why the NBA needs relegation.

They need to adopt the soccer substitution system. There needs to be a firm limit on number of substitutions. There is no damn reason getting through a half inning should take an hour. If your right handed pitcher can't pitch to left handed batter that is too damn bad. Your chubby DH can't get from first to home

I love their Snow Day and Redhoptober, but they put those on hiatus for an effing white IPA. I do hate Fat Tire, a lot.

Yes, if a female fighter pilot said the same about bagging dudes you can only imagine how well that would go over.

Don't forget that when the Heat did win the title that Wade would always be sure everyone knew he had one more ring than James. Staying in Miami and winning 6 titles would give Wade 7...which he would probably always bring up since he seems like that kind of guy.

Do you write for Penthouse Forum?

We all know she said newcular not nuclear.