
I'm a big proponent of gloves, but you bring up a great point, there's some tools where wearing gloves is a horrible idea, better to get cut. For my trade, threading or grooving pipe on a Rigid machine is one such example. Had an apprentice in our local get his hand pulled into a pipe grooving machine because his

A well run safety program will cover out of work activities too. At Intel, in Oregon, the safety talks every Monday in the week before the holiday would be about staying on task at hand, and not being distracted from weekend plans, but also, when you're out there on the boat ramp, or preparing to light off you

"The orange foam earplugs are suitable in a pinch, but for everyday applications, invest in a pair of protective earmuffs that will offer the most protection and comfort."

I'd bet money the orange foam earplugs have a greater dB reduction than the earmuffs, which means the .09 cent solution offers the "most

My buddy flies corporate aviation now, but when he was coming up, any amount of stick time, yada yada. This is the story he told me, so grain of salt but he's not much of bs'er although the other guy in it might be. So anyways he answers an ad on the wall of NLV Airport looking for ferry pilots. Goes to the guy's

Didn't Joe Rogan out this guy on his podcast as being an Adderall user? I would think all of Ass-spray's claims for health and his own weight loss can more correctly be attributed to "tweaker." Any one can lose weight on Jenny Crank. Take speed, eat a saltine a week, and lose weight. It's a miracle.

On many of the construction projects I've worked, mostly industrial jobs, gloves are a required part of your PPE safety gear. They're not there for anti-callous protection, but more from burns, cuts, and abrasions.

Anti-seize is one of those substances that I consider practical jokes with it to be beyond the pale. I've seen door handles, car handles, steering wheels, hard hats, googles, gloves treated with it in the name of humor and never felt anything but pity for the victim.

The fastest way to get yelled at by your journeyman

The only time this country hasn't broken its promises to veterans of war is post WW2. Gen. Geo. Clark was ruined financially because he put his personal credit to the debts he ran up on the Western Front of the Revolutionary War, and the state of Virginia wouldn't reimburse him, among other examples back then. Look

Looking at their website, all the boots I clicked on were imports. No thanks.

Huh. Thanks. I buy nearly every thing online, except shoes.

You could probably paint the world with one six ounce can of anti-seize.

I've never seen a set of Timberland boots that wasn't a heavier grade than "light weight hiker" They make work boots?

Vegas Pipefitter here.

Carhart: I get the dungaree double front logger pants with carpenter pockets. I cut the hammer loop off, I don't carry a hammer day to day, and it snags more than it helps. You can get thin closed cell foam knee pads that slip up the rock holes in the bottom of the double front pants from