
You don’t fuck with someone else’s truck but that parking lot looks super empty. The truck guy is a dick. You still don’t baseball bat his ride. I don’t care if people take up two spots as long as they do it in BFE, and it’s not so crowded a lot, event, mall at Xmas, that even BFE gets full.

I back my crew cab dually in when I can because it’s usually easier for people next to me to get in and out of their cars and pull out of their spot. I usually park in BFE, but not always. Also on a job site with jammed up parking, backing in is usually encouraged or is the smart thing to do because you can more

In Arizona, at every construction zone being actually worked, there was a state trooper there maintaining a presence and enforcing the speed zone for the workers. Without fail there was one there. They looked bored because NO ONE was speeding.

Rolling south to PHX from LV, just north of Wikieup, AZ, I had about 5 cars following me, all doing 90 or so. (Such a safer road now that the passing lanes exist. Was scary shit in the 90s.) Radar detector lights up, I slow, move over, and roll the window down and wave down a couple of them as they pass me, and they

Lifetime Nevadan. Most of the roads that it’s 75 on are two lane roads, that’s the majority of our highways. I’ve been run off US 95 from people passing 3-4 times, being in my lane oncoming and cutting it too close. Very scary.

I80, is the only long interstate, I15 is only in the state for a 100 miles or so, with

That’s a good strategy.

If I’m boarding early on SWA, I sit aisle as near front as possible. If I get a lousy boarding group number, and they’re calling it a full flight, I take first available seat as close to the front as possible. If you’re going to be misearble on the flight, might as well be close to the front to

I’ve never owned a car that was more in repairs per month than a monthly car payment. “It’s costing me more in repairs than a car payment,” is usually total BS.

Thank you from saving me from having to type almost exactly this. The War on Inmates is as big as folly as the War on Drugs. What we have been doing is not working, so we need to change what we’re doing in regards to both.

One of the trails is from wind blown fire in grass?

So rad. Fuck the USAF top generals for shit-canning the A-10. The F35 JSF is a Swiss Army knife designed to do it all. I have a Swiss Army knife. It has a cork screw on it, but I use a dedicated corkscrew when I open wine. It has a file too, but I use a nail file or a real file when I need one. Same with the knife,

Octopus and squid are like rubber bands unless you’re at a fantastic place. 99.99% of places are not fantastic. I like it, but I never order it. Not worth the frustration.

My sister went the short order cook route with her two kids. I want to punch people when I go there for Easter or something similar, and see her working ass off to make two different meals to accommodate her kids. She made this bed herself, I can’t tell you how many conversations we’ve had or I’ve overheard of her

Well if the manufacturing process engineers are doing their jobs, there should be no poor assembly. I see your attitude all the time. I’m a pipefitter, I’ll be at work, we are literally at a standstill because of someone else’s snafu in logistics, scheduling, or cheap-skate ways, and the management turns and looks at

Or Kroil.

Sounds like bullshit.

Yes. The same problem is that they’re constructs of people. Same with governments, NGOs, the media. It’s very easy to paint with a wide brush. It’s rarely accurate. Lazy non producers on my job get smoked. I have no idea where this notion can’t fire union hands comes from, from where I’m standing, it’s every day “what

What’s interesting to you about that fact?

Yeah because a shit machine is the fault of the guys who put it together and not the fault of the ratty nonunion engineers who designed and the genius businessmen who approved it.

There’s a difference between AFL unions like the building trades. And the CIO unions like the UAW. The AFL-CIO is just barely together. We, union pipefitter myself UA.org, still battle CIO idiocy to this day. The Steelworkers repped Operators at refineries striking recently, was a power grab to try to take scope of