
Minor league baseball is for all the fun the MLB won’t let happen, like dogs on the field and some of the best baseball cap designs going. I have a Chicago style hot dog on a hat because of our local suburban team and list of many more great logos I plan to collect.

A lot of actors don’t watch their own stuff and I would never begrudge her for especially skipping having to sit through a days worth of content for the, generously speaking, 15% of screen time she gets in these things.

I went with my gf and a bunch of friends to a Bulls game last month and I am 100% certain she wanted to go for the stadium nachos and all the different Benny the Bulls. Game was inconsequential.

I learned a something pretty cool. thanks!

How is Jason Mantzoukas eating these wonderfully terrible cakes with his deadly egg allergy? Protect our gentle lunatics!

Between the kamehamehas, fusion dances, and Ginyu Force style dance sequences we’ll get a whole episdoe of DBZ in the endzone one day.

I didn’t realize how much I love Swedish pop or pop adjacent music. This was top marks all around.

We had President’s Choice in Chicago when I was a kid and 100% agree my favorite store chocolate chip cookie. But Tate’s is just a damn fine cookie and priced that way.

Jace gives me deep Steve Buscemi vibes and now I’m picturing teen idol Nucky Thompson.

I love the look on that horse’s face from Krull because if he were a human extra he would be yelling “What the hell, man. No call cut, that’s not cool. I didn’t sign up to be slapped by a giant Irishman”.

By Custer they’ve gotten as far as the nation’s capital.

I know a a number of people wanted to sip that thousands year old mummy juice. Malort would be the corpse juice you drain from the casket of Richard J. Daley, full of all his bitterness and wood varnish.

There’s a pretty solid skull in a cowboy hat that advocates sandwiches for life, which I heartily stand behind. That’s a not bad choice.

I enjoy a  good Arby’s curly fry, cannot deny that, but I would consider a free tattoo of a non-branded box of curly fries way more than having Arby’s written on me forever.

I love MAGA chuds jumping on a sinking ship of bad owners, bad pricing, and intolerable game pace and play to claim any protest of the NFL is crushing the “kneelers”. NFL makes a McDuck’s worth of money on TV alone. They don’t need all those fat butts in seats to limp on.

Also, someone buy the Vikings kicker an ice-cream cone. Little buddy needs it right now.

As a sad-sack Bears fan I was pleased to see these two teams pummel each other to a standstill but I had to give it to Caveman Warrior Matthews that he made a great (and highlight worthy) sack on a QB that a dumbass penalty will now make him second guess doing ever again.

Come on, Taffy Butt and Oil Spill are still Bob’s Burgers champs and are great songs on their own. 

I just revisited the McD’s daily double and it might be my favorite burger there. Like a quick and cheap Culvers burger.

I’ll take any occasion to mildly rib the baffling success of square dweeb Pete Holmes, and I think it folds in the short cycle of remakes and the dull set up of sitcoms. C+ internet.