That actually makes an alarming amount of sense!
That actually makes an alarming amount of sense!
It did.
"The insanely popular Broadway show about our seventh president."
Gamin', like bustin', makes me feel good.
The fundamental premise of this article is pretty seriously flawed.
I'd remove everything after "Star Wars" from history. Yes, even "Empire," which I acknowledge as a fantastic film. I just find it all exhausting now, even as I genuinely look forward to "The Force Awakens," and there's a part of me that wishes it was just a one-off, swashbuckling pulp adventure in space.
This was my wavelength, too — it's the same reaction I have to Aziz's standup, actually. I don't find him "funny" as much as "really interesting" and "very, very smart." There were clearly funny moments in the series, but I was way more engaged in the ideas he was floating than in how they were actually presented on…
Today's top story: kernel of an unproduced idea was under developed.
This remains my biggest concern about the new films: the originals were a fairy tale, and the story absolutely, 100% ended in Return of the Jedi. CAN you come up with new stories? Sure. But fundamentally, the good guys won thirty years ago, and I never wondered if any remnants of the Empire survived.
Oof. When dialogue from season eight of "The Office" is a better alternative to what you're working with…
And she's married to Kevin Corrigan! Which just makes Kevin Corrigan that much greater.
Also, the stormtroopers being clones was dumb.
Oh, my God.
Abbey: "What are you thinking about?"
Jed: "What's next."
… you're nasty.
He wishes.
We need more "Bork" license plates!
The episode itself made the comparison to "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas," but I really felt it was trying to be a spiritual successor to "Introductory Filmmaking" (I think — whichever the season 2 documentary episode was.) The episode fell flat for me because the "Jeff is 40" reveal came out of nowhere, while…
Rumor has it, he does.