
It is a little ironic considering how silly the images are. But the greater point is still a pretty big deal.

Is it your policy to avoid reading articles you've decided to comment on, or just the ones where doing so makes look like an ignorant bigot?

As a gay man, it pains me to agree: This is a silly exercise in envelope-pushing and doesn't further the story. However, that's still not the point.

Exactly. I've never understood why this is something to scream about.

100% agree.

So they're ripping off ... everything, according to you? I don't understand how that's a problem, honestly. "They're trying to do something new and interesting, that vaguely reminds me of a lot of other things. What a buncha jerks!"

A Browncoat doesn't need "evidence," silly! Just unrelenting zeal and mindless complaining.

Ea is the worst company in the world the same way Conan O'Brien could be the next President of the United States, bacon is a food group, Arrested Development renders the ratings system irrelevant: Internet dorks en masse misrepresenting actual public opinion. I've never understood this need, any more than I understand

"Is it just me, or does this space western remind anybody of the only other space western I've ever seen on TV?"

Unleash hoard of ass-crazy conspiracy theorists in four, three, two...

"Get off my lawn — and Google it for me!"

Mike Vogel is crushing it on Bates Motel. I always thought he had potential, but he's really becoming one to watch.

What does the SFWA do? They keep being mentioned in connection with this story, but it's always "The SFWA shook their finger at Night Shade for several years and threatened wet noodle-lashings that never came," or, "The SFWA is pleased to see that the royalties from Start and Skyhorse have changed slightly, and will

I can't tell you what a relief it is to see how many people gave their Shep their own name. I just thought it meant I was bad at video games.

Absolutely the worst person.

The rude, nit-picky, tone-deaf, neuro-atypical comments on this post managed to confirm every single one of the coolest and most fun stereotypes about the Evil Dead fandom I've ever heard or noticed. No thanks!

You don't seem to understand the term that you are using. Maybe instead of being bitchy and repetitive about it for no reason, you could educate yourself?

"Le sigh," on the other hand, being the height of cleverness and creativity.

"...[T]he short isn't intended as any kind of fan fiction..."

Cool, good catch.