
Yeah. But also his illiteracy, apparently.


Exactly. It's like complaining that your ice cream doesn't taste enough like pizza — and therefore, this pizza-flavored ice cream is much better than all other ice cream. Dude just go eat some pizza and stop bitching.


Well said.

You're a loser. That's a fact.

You're an ass.

This would be a much bigger tragedy if she could act.

I never would have agreed...

I'm just happy to see a person doing it for her own pleasure, instead of some male-feminist man-boy father trying to get attention for it like in the last ten stories of this nature.


Exactly. What an odd complaint.

You are an idiot.

Ironically, butthurt fanboys whining about other people's subjective opinions does express the meaning behind your meme here, although your application of it to this scenario does not. Pointing out that a subjective review of a videogame is subjective is hardly a point scored against the reviewer.

"Forced" how? Having an option is not being forced. When you pick up fast food and you want a burger, you buy a burger. The fact that chicken nuggets are on the menu doesn't mean you're being "forced" to eat chicken nuggets — they're not there for you.

Nice derail attempt. "This discussion about gay issues could really use less gay issues."

LOL. +1.

You might reread the comment before the whining commences. That's not what he's saying at all.