
Then they get sad when they realize they dont have the MCU and cant make a decent superhero film that doesnt have Wolverine in it.

Considering nature is a blind process of random chance, and we're conscious goal-driven beings with a scientific method to guide us, so what? Who gives a shit of the time scale? Nature also doesn't give a shit if there are significant debilitating side effects to the mutations, as long as the scales tip ever so

Quit reveling in your ignorance. He's clearly not defending fast food, and in fact he quite explicitly said it was not as good for you as eating normal food.

Your post just goes to show how much science education is lacking in people these days. Stop getting your information from popular memes that say "if nature won't get rid of it, what will your body do!?".

In Tom Clancy's "Executive Orders," an anti-President Ryan newsman makes a crack about a speech. A colleague asks if he even heard it and the guy replies "come on, we don't need to hear what he says, we KNOW what he's going to say."

Also, where the hell is the entire opening??

[Actual opening]:

On behalf of stoners everywhere: Fuck this guy right in the ass.

SPIRIT Airlines.

WTF?? What exactly is the water doing here?

If I can load up my own music to play, I might be interested. But if it's full of dubstep / Skrillex crap, forget it.
