
Seven years of Merc domination and suddenly a year and a half of Red Bull doing well is a problem? Smacks of Hamilton fans getting their panties in a twist.

Correction: two F1 drivers and a wife beater.

Surplus A-10 package, complete with pilot and ground crew.

Took way too long for this clip to show up.

Took way too long for this clip to show up.

Yes but not if you’ve spent your life never being told no.

Situational awareness is everything.

It seems like arresting the staff, especially the pilot, for manslaughter is ridiculous.



Well then he’s not going to like the way he looks. 

Beat me to it

So, the Russians might not be able to safe flights within Russia while their military invades a neighbor?  If there ever was a time to re-use this old meme, this is it.

These union guys can only write an intro to a video link they have not even seen or go on strike.

It’s like hoping Megan Fox will one day agree to a date. You know it won’t happen, but you can’t let go of the fantasy. 

a 2021 Tesla Model 3 in this video

It’s now [CURRENT TIME] and still there.

I guess things are getting pretty bad around here. Been using Jalopnik since 2012, still keep coming back, don’t know why.

Beats standing in line at your local VW service manager desk with a second mortgage application....