
This may explain why stormtroopers in Star Wars can’t shoot straight..... In the future, this is just accepted as part of the job.

Isn’t “Crypto Scheme” redundant?

Hey David Tracy, you see all that rust?  I have a bridge to sell you.

how about we connect the fuckin’ beams first and worry about the dots later?

I still feel like the Renault is king here because it grew wider by ~15% where the Bronco grew by ~13%.

the Ford Buckbeak. 

You ever see a take that’s just so insane, so completely removed from reality that you’re almost completely dumbfounded and unable to respond?

The old front end looked kind of “happy but unaware” whereas the new ones give the car kind of a “determined, but not angry” look. Overall I think it’s an improvement.

Right? Also, how can they NOT find this guy with THOSE boots?!

He hadn’t shot anyone yet in anger so he was obviously a good guy with a gun.

Uggs don’t go with a black AK.

Punctuation. No, not a chance. But possibly getting tried vs tired would be ok. This isn't to vs too, or effect v affect. 

Just need to know the guys in the Black Hats.

Awesome! Now instead of just unfolding a tent on the ground and blowing up an air mattress I just need to build a barn. Too easy.

This seems pretty obvious to me. The plane dies. He jumps out, dives for a while. Looks up. Plane above. He’s not happy with his footage so he waits for it to swing back around, climbs back in and then starts the engine, climbs back up , re-packs the chute, and does it over again. Maybe 3 or 4 times because this


Unfortunately for the farmer, the John Deere technician is going to have to come out to train the computer to recognize the new replacement windshield.

But Japan finds housing for their homeless in more affordable areas.  Being homeless in Santa Monica or Newport Beach shouldn’t mean the homeless must be granted housing in Santa Monica or Newport Beach.

A terrifying proportion did it *twice*.