Have you been to California?
Have you been to California?
They are forecasting upwards of 6" of rain in some parts of Southern California with possible major flooding and landslides and all you report is “higher waves for Catalina residents”?
This trail won’t start until 2025 at the EARLIEST. State courts are notoriously slow, especially one as wide ranging as this one.
I think it’s all just a $1 bet between the two of them to see how long they can keep it in the news...a la the bet in Trading Spaces by the Duke brothers.
It completes the “Minivan” vibe of the redesign
Average rent in the entire US is $1700 for a 900 sq/ft apartment, and the average in Arizona is $1600 for an 842 sw/ft apartment so $1400 is not bad.
You can’t even quote someone else’s article properly...
Just imagine how lame David Letterman’s “Top 10" lists would be if he started the list with #1...
Or the Miss America pageant announcing the winner first when there are still 3 contestants on stage...
That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw that picture...then I saw it was about Aquaman and kept scrolling.
The absolute legend in the phreaking community, RIP Darkside.
A billion Chinese people would disagree...
I may or may not have paused the VCR at certain point in that movie where Lea was on the bed over and over as a young teen... ;-)
I’ve always said (and will continue to say) until “self driving” cars can navigate Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, downtown Ha Noi during the rainy season or Taganskaya Square in Moscow in the winter they never can truly be called “self-driving”.
We found the car dealership’s alt account...
Exactly, my current passport expires next July but I have a trip this November so I’m good on the six month’s rule. I’ll have to wait until after that trip because even though it’s 17 weeks away, I’m not risking it not coming back in time.