It might help if you actually gave those carrots and especially that broccoli some added flavor and didn’t just steam them, like in that picture.
It might help if you actually gave those carrots and especially that broccoli some added flavor and didn’t just steam them, like in that picture.
While I certainly don’t disagree with Bernie’s questions, I don’t see how he feels like he has a mandate to dictate the course of the debate/election after some humiliating losses in places he won in four years ago. I wish there was a version of Sanders who could look critically at himself and why his coalition isn’t…
Good point. I live in Florida and there was no way in hell that Sanders could win this state and his presence as candidate would be a drag on the other Democrats in the race. If Biden makes it as the candidate, he at least has a shot.
It will be interesting to hear what Spears’ sons have to say about her and their family in the future. Regarding Jayden, it is hard to tell with a kid that age (his choice of words definitely doesn’t help) whether he has genuine issues with his grandfather or is just a 13 year old brat who doesn’t like Grandpa’s…
She got a respectable percentage but a loss is still a loss. I think Super Tuesday in general was a good reminder that moderates do have a lot of voting power still.
She’s not only the most recognizable actor but she is in the key straight man role and part of the show’s most popular couple. It is honestly a worse situation than other shows have faced when a lead departs. She’s got a right to leave but she has pretty much killed the show and possibly its future viability in…
Yeah, I often feel bad about articles like this that ridicule people that are clearly disturbed. Now this woman’s name will forever be linked online with this incident.
People often bring their phones or tablets when they get a drink. It doesn’t seem like a stretch that they might be inspired to check out the local news while they are drinking.
True, though predicting that in the early 80s was ahead of its time. I remember watching a recent show which mentioned that Chinese business people would try to woo new places by mentioning the instability of U.S. politics as a destabilizing point. I thought, “Yeah, that’s a good point but China certainly has some…
Mindfulness has been around for thousands of years; it has a pretty solid track record of effectiveness, even in scientific studies. That said, I’m not sure working on mindfulness is necessary during childbirth. I don’t think that women are that prone to distractions when a tiny human is trying to break out of your…
Games that feature the military may be political but that doesn’t mean that fans of those games want them to become politicized. Sure, people can point out themes in war games that they find complimentary or troublesome but players generally don’t want to make a statement about whether they are in favor of military…
Not all boomers hate Jane. My 70-something parents like her and Grace and Frankie a lot, although my mother is openly envious of how good Ms. Fonda still look.
I see the same criticisms of movies like JoJo Rabbit, Life Is Beautiful, and another Oscar film, 1917, in that they are supposedly not grim and serious enough about the war and tragedies that they are covering. I think those criticisms are unfair. It is almost like any movie about wars and their consequences have to…
I think you could also put Aniston’s image in place of the Ceiling Cat meme. She’s watching you!
There are religions that believe that people can be reborn within their family line. The idea of atunwa in the Yoruba religion is one such concept. I’m not sure I would be comfortable with the idea of my baby as my dead father reborn but people deal with grief and legacy in different ways.
Is there a genuine source for Douglas being the guilty one besides the 2012 anonymous tweets that some speculated were from Robert Downey Jr. (that was a weird event overall). I know that the author of her bio reported the story and that the author may reveal the truth after the person’s death, which might be valid…
There seem to be a lack of good and affordable child care options for single parent bounty hunters in the post-Imperial period. Perhaps one of the perks of the Empire was subsidized child care?
I’m glad to see Han back no matter how weird and convoluted the reason for his return will likely be. They really should have had him return for Hobbs & Shaw, as Shaw’s seeming murder of Han turned some fans against him.
It is hard to imagine that this movie will be a huge breakout hit but it sounds fun. I’d like to see Samberg break out as a movie star, unless it threatens his Brooklyn Nine-Nine schedule.
There are a few fields in which there are “separate but equal” standards and taking them away would be genuinely damaging to women’s participation, particularly in sports and the military. There are legit biological differences between the average man and woman that require some adjustments and I don’t think it is…