Dr. Opossum

Except that studies have shown that exposure to suicides in the media in the form of famous people committing suicide increases suicide rates in the general public, adults and kids alike.  Was it really a coincidence, for instance, that a second Parkland survivor died of suicide right after the much-publicized death

Okay, here’s my case: Biden has a long record of actually getting bills passed, not bills that look good but have no chance of getting through, which seems to be what many young Democrats want now. He was key to getting the Affordable Care Act, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Brady Bill passed. His record is

I feel for the teacher involved here but, as someone in education myself, I would never in a million years have published that article, especially using the student’s real name! I get the values that the writer was trying to convey but a high school paper is not the right forum at this time for normalizing sex work.  

Gary turning evil is a good story because it is both funny but kind of sad too, as Gary does have legit reasons to be upset at how the Legends have treated him.  

I don’t think there’s anything new here.  A lot of people, especially young people, want guidance in their life.  If dependable institutions and leaders don’t provide it, then they could turn to the crazies.  

I’m sick and tired of the dog demographic dominating the election. When will cats get a turn? The last Presidential cat was Socks and Clinton gave him away once he left office.

I do feel like the media can be cruel and petty as hell when it comes to certain celebs. This site in particular has gone after Justin Bieber for close to a decade for some ridiculous things. That said, criticizing a lip-synced performance in a prominent setting doesn’t seem out of bounds or unfair. But a site like

He does have a bit of a receding hairline but he is one of those guys who looks hotter in middle age with small flaws than he did in his more technically perfect youth.

I was fearing that would be the main plot. I think it might still happen but it would be refreshing if the film ends with Craig’s Bond peacefully retired and the name being given to a new agent in honor of his service.

The idea of paying a percentage of your salary for a certain number of years after college is actually catching on in some parts of the U.S.. I happen to think it is the best reasonable approach to minimize debt. Democrats promising reforms like free college and wiping out debt are running the risk of setting up

He was overrated but now I feel like he has become underrated.  His work is still really entertaining and I am not sure he should be treated like some monster for some questionable writing and accusations from his ex-wife (which no actresses he works with have backed up).

It takes awhile for the human body to turn to ash. Ned would certainly be intact though he would have to fight without his head. There could be a lot of skeleton zombies, which would be cool!

Plenty of adults go to Disney nowadays.  You can definitely find plenty of advice from dedicated fans online too.  I find that I appreciate Disney more now because I enjoy the craftsmanship and care that goes into so much of the design of the parks, not to mention the fancier food and adult beverages available.

I think Theon is definitely a goner but he is such a perpetual sad sack that I will see his death as a mercy kill. This episode also sure seemed to set up that Jorah’s story is coming to an end. And I hate the idea, but I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if Brienne gets killed next episode too.

Trump is an idiot, of course, but is this really going to be the only response this site puts up regarding this tragedy?

I had no idea until your comment that Muslims had a tradition of viewing dogs as unclean. There is some online variation of opinion on it if you do want to justify that Husky. Cats are traditionally clean animals, however!

I believe that meat-eaters should be open to many types of animals for environmental reasons and just to open up to new tastes. I am fine with muskrats, though I would hesitate to eat an opossum as it is a spirit animal of sorts for me. They’re so cute!

The regular F&F franchise really needs Han back now that it doesn’t have Paul Walker, Statham, or Johnson. Perhaps the same program that made Idris Elba superhuman also did something to bring Han back.

Idris Elba’s “Black Superman” line should get some viral attention too. In fact, I believe one of AV Club’s sister sites is using it in its article about this trailer.

“Influential” does not mean you are good or evil. Hitler was Time’s Man of the Year once and he deserved to be so in the sense that he had a huge impact on the world.