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Yeah, I got the impression Evelyn's underlings weren't too happy with their station in life pretty much right from the season's start, and I think a development like this was pretty predictable with how things were going over the season.

If you haven't seen it already and want more of her, I can also recommend Life (ran from 2007 until 2009 on NBC if I remember correctly). She and Damien Lewis make for a pretty nice leading duo. Funnily enough, towards the end of that show's run, she also got pregnant and they had to write around that.

Yeah, hence the version in which Melisandre has him doing horrible shit (for example, mass burnings of "heretics").

Yeah, I think Stannis' sense of duty is being kinda overlooked at the moment. I really don't see him as wanting to be king because he wants the power, he considers it is duty, and he will do whatever is necessary to fulfill that duty. At least that's the impression I've gotten over the years.

I can see two ways in which his potential rule could head: One would be that he completely falls under Melisandre's influence and she does some really horrible shit with him as her puppet.

Bats can tolerate some wear and tear in the skin on their wings, so I've decided to make the same assumption for dragon wings.

Bats can fly with damaged wings, getting some wear and tear in the skin on their wings isn't that uncommon. Not sure about how tolerant birds are towards damaged wings.

True, depending on how well Stannis' potential rule would go (yeah, right, things going well in Westeros, haha), a child from another woman might not have too many issues being accepted as his successor.

Oh yeah, some background on the gods and such would be nice. I don't need every last detail explained, but I wouldn't mind having some more info the whole Lord of Light thing and how that fits into the larger world, for example.

Yeah, humans don't really do the whole "grasping of epic timescales" thing very well. Of course the math is obvious to anyone who can do basic addition and subtraction, but knowing the numbers and actually grasping what that means are two different things I'd say. The effect gets even more stronly pronounced when you

Yeah, if anyone finds crucial info on how to defeat White Walkers, I think it'll either be Sam through his research, or somebody happens upon it by accident.

Hm, good question, and great follow-through on the lord of bones. Holy crap, that could turn out hilarious! :D

Well, you know, I like challenge. :D

I am having a rather stressful exam day, thank you for that laugh, dear sir/madam.

I'm actually waiting with watching the show until the season's over, but reading the reviews and hanging around in the comment section (I've read a ton of wiki, so I'm spoiled anyway, and I don't really care about being spoiled with new stuff which isn't in the books yet but the show now does).

I think there's a lot of dragonglass on Dragonstone. Though of course, getting that up into the North and ready for battle is another matter.

Oh yeah, definitely. The Targaryens might not have had any legitimacy when they originally conquered Westeros, but the continent seemed to prosper enough afterwards for them to gain legitimacy in the view of enough people so that there wasn't really a serious challenge to their rule for a long time. They built their

You read my thoughts, fellow commenter. I'd love to get the WW's POV. Maybe even a flashback going into the Night King's history, or even further back than that. Oh my…

I don't really have an issue with enigmatic evil per se, but I must admit I usually find myself much more engaged when I have more info on something. Even the Terminator has an origin story, after all. Sure it can't be negotiated with, but we know where it comes from, what it wants and why (same with Skynet itself).

I really hope there's more to them than just being evil incarnate (see my answer to Michael Thompson above).