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Yup, indeed. Steam and Co. might not be perfect, but they are good enough for many people (I haven't really kept up with gaming in the past few years, just haven't had the time) to forego piracy and actually pay for stuff it seems. Most people I converse with about gaming seem to use those services instead of pirating.

Good point, yes. As long as the Sitter of the Iron Throne doesn't terrorise them they probably just go about their business and send the occasional tax to King's Landing without that much of a care about who gets it.
I would reckon though that at the moment the North does harbour some ill will towards those royal


Honestly, the thing I appreciate about torrenting is the convenience. Things are (usually) available in good to excellent quality, I can watch them when and where I want on whichever device I choose and I don't need to wait until things become available in my country (so I can actually engage in discussion with people

True, we've never seen the eastern end of Essos, hence my slight disclaimer. Amongst the prominently featured places, I don't really recall any place more to the east making much of an impact so far though, unless my memory is letting me down.
Plus, there's always the question of which map of Essos one takes as canon.

I must admit it's been way too long since they had that conversation for me to remember, but you might well be right. I do think he certainly was aware of how bad the financial situation was (or, precarious), I just always had the impression that he actually was competent enough to keep the house of cards intact, and

Well, the Targs ruled Westeros for hundreds of years, only in the past ~20 years has there been another ruler, so a Targaryen being on the throne could still be seen as the more normal, or at least not the extraordinary, thing by quite a few people in Westeros.
Plus, with the chaos of the War of the Five Kings and all

That is true, but despite the diverging plot threads it might still be that the books and the show are heading to similar endpoints, only on different paths (mainly the books take many more detours and have more characters).

Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get the Dancing with the Stars Cinematic Universe in 2017, and it will be a raging boner success, after which American Idol will be revived from the dead and you will get your wish for Idol's Agents of Sanity Escaping a Cockroach Rampaging Every Stuffed Teddybear

See what you did there, I do. Well done, Mr. Krinkle.

I'm not actually sure how much the Crown's financial situation is his fault, I got the impression that it was primarily Robert's extravagant spending and general ineptitude at the daily grind of being an actual ruler which led to that, and that Littlefinger was actually fairly competent at that task. Memory is hazy

Unfortunately Stannis' army could just be wiped out by Winter storms without a fight. Or at least weakened significantly enough for the Boltons to defeat them.

Well, for him it probably was!

Entries for Littlefinger's List of Nasty, in no specific order and not complete (probably), off the top of my head:

His face just doesn't bend that way, I think it would break things if he were to try to smile.

I would certainly say that she's not just Mad King 2.0, the question (at least to me) is more along the lines of whether or not she could go into that direction, and if so, how much.

Hm, I must admit I do not recall any specific instances of this, but yes, I do remember things being switched up on occasion.

Oh that's actually what makes it so dificult for me: I love that they incorporate clues about the episode from the Machine's and Samaritan's POV into the sequence and want to try to pick them out, but after the tenth time I kinda don't need to have everything explained to me again from scratch.

Man, the comment section for this article is one serious nostalgia trip. I almost feel young again!

I was wondering if PoI would show up on this list, but alas…