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I'm not sure about Proctor helping Hood. He still has an axe to grind with Hood about Hood trying to kill him and then arresting him and keeping him away from his mother's deathbed. Or as he said, "unfinished business".
Also, ever since Proctor killed Jason, Hood has been a lot less sympathetic to him.

His "mothefucker" strongly reminds me of Wu(?)'s "cocksucker" on Deadwood :D

I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of, and I'm a heterosexual guy!

Well shit, why hasn't anyone thought of this, easy as fuck! World peace by 2020!

True, but to me there is one primary difference between Chayton's and Rabbit's arc: From the outset, Rabbit was always looming in the background, and Hood and Carrie knew he was after them for the entirety of the first two seasons.

Good point about Hood's distractions: Ever since the series' start they've made a big deal out of Proctor, but so far he and Hood have only occasionally clashed for short bursts and then got sidetracked by other stuff.

Yup, so far I think it's really strong work from the writers and Matt Servitto. In fact, I think Banshee overall does a pretty good job of characterisation; keeping characters consistent for the most part and when they do a transformation it is believable and well thought-out I'd say.

Indeed, Brock seems to have undergone a pretty stark transformation when compared to the series' start.

I vote we put "Rebecca undresses" in there as well.

Yeah, I can see Rebecca causing tons of trouble, but without Proctor, even with Burton on her side, I don't really see her lasting too long against an opponent who has a clear plan and ambition to take her out, be it Hood or somebody else. Just because she's a psychopath doesn't mean she has the skills to actually run

How do they confirm that characters won't die? Cast lists for announced seasons, inside scoops, …?

I watched the Origins episodes at the beginning of the season, and so far I haven't really been spoiled due to that as far as I can tell.

Agreed, if Gordon dies it won't be the cause of Hood's anguish. And good point about the reversal of roles.

True. So, with a five-season plan, S4: Dalton, S5: Proctor?

"… when the situation gets too extreme…"

Agreed, I got that impression as well.

Yeah, they're quite liberal with what they show in those previews. On one hand, that means the previews actually have something worth watching in them, on the other hand, as you say, it kinda reduces the suspense for those who are too good at guessing for their own good.

Yeah, I'd reckon something like that. They've already done the "two-season bad guy" thing with Rabbit, and they have an overarching antagonist with Proctor, so no need really to drag this out too much methinks.

"The degree to which Hood’s group underestimated this guy is starting to
seem absurd, even factoring in all of the distractions that they’ve been
dealing with in the interim."

After last week's family ass kicking therapy session I was kinda hoping Deva would see the light and we'd get rid of the annoying teenage behavior.