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I think baseman might have been being sarcastic?
Because if there's one thing coming through from the commentariat, it's "You missed Jurassic Bark!"
I've read most comments here and it's come up a lot.

One staffer somewhere in this comment section mentions that he suggested Jurassic Bark, but apparently "somebody's tears shorted out their keyboard" and it didn't make the cut.

I think it's been mentioned, like, once or twice, yeah.

That's what we're here for, isn't it?

Some people handle cringe better than others I suppose. For example, I personally really don't enjoy cringe-humour at all (sure, I can watch it, but I just don't find it enjoyable), so the few peaks I've taken into The Office turned me off that series pretty quickly. As far as I can tell, it does indeed seem to be

Yup, that's pretty much it, "five minutes of close ups". It's amazing how effective it is. Of course it helps when it's the movie's final climax and you've watched these characters for two to three hours and grown to love and/or hate them, but still.

Yes, I get that impression as well. Yes, we're supposed to sympathise with them (well, some of them, at least), but they are flawed, they do make mistakes, and in a world such as theirs, that'll cost them dearly.

Yeah, Leone and Morricone had a real talent for that kind of thing. Perfect synergy.

Hm, good point actually. Dammit, now I'm feeling the urge for emotional masochism again!

Not that I'm aware (I wasn't actually spoiled by the book, I think it was an internet comment section or something like that).

True, hence why I put him in the "debatable" category. I never really got the impression that I actually had enough information about the character to really judge him, but yes, "noble" might indeed be stretching it a bit.

Overall a pretty decent list from my point of view (I'm only judging those entries I've seen or extensively read about). The one entry I definitely would not have put on it personally is Dexter.

Dualla's death was freaking terrifying in its bleakness. Fuck me.

I have developed the following coping mechanism when it comes to the typical "noble good guys" characters on GoT (or at least those reasonably close to that): Laying out arguments why they were just too stupid to live and basically had to die due to that.

Don't forget that before everything you ever loved dies, you get just a glimpse of possible happiness, a glimmer of hope on the horizon before it is snatched away forever.

Not to forget the original one: "Oh yeah, the Hound is going to do a heel-face turn and is totally going to ride in and save Ned and then they're going to get Sansa and all will be well. I mean, Ned is the freaking hero of the story!" Haha, yeah, right, that's cute…

Yeah that was just devastating. And all because Big Robb couldn't keep Little Robb in his pants (OK, it was more about the marriage contract than about being unfaithful, but I couldn't resist ;-)).

What a coincidence, so do I!

At the moment I'd still wager that Burton's demise will be against Hood, not Proctor (or, as said, in a totally backstabbing way against Rebecca), but yeah, who knows.

That was so randomly hilarious, and hilariously random.