
You don't see too many people whipping up aspirin or ritalin in an RV do you. Chemical processes need to be exact to avoid contamination, and many reactions require or release heat, sometimes high pressures are required.  Also,if your starting reactants are not high grade you will end with an inferior product. Typical

Anything can happen because the whole series is a dream Tim Whatley is having.

And Walt decided to put together this plot with Saul while trying  in a panic to get his family out of danger…rigghhhttt.
But Gus and his stooges would never use or hurt children…. if you believe that you need to rent last and review last season.
More likely is that Brock poisoned himself, snaeking one of Jesse's cigs.

A better role model as a completely amoral, sociopathic killer? Walt's "breaking bad", but Gus is evil, but he's "cool".

The comments that Walt indeed poisoned Brock remind me of the ridiculous arguments made a few weeks ago that Mike was about to shoot Jesse during the firefight at the Cartel's hacienda.  I think what is happening is that people realize that it's a clever show, keep getting gobsmacked by the twists in the plot, so try

In the show's internal timeline it has been less than a year that he has worked for Gus. Earlier money went to his medical bills. More recently earned money has gone to pay Hank's bills, buying a sports car, expenses for making destruction of said car go away, buying the car wash and incidentals to all these things

I think Jesse with his girlfriend and her little boy was done to remind of us what happened last season to set this season up - Jesse seeking revenge for the murder of a child and Walt rescuing Jesse from the 1 on 2 confrontation in the Action Aztek.
Jesse has a lot to pissed at Walt for,but Walt has killed to protect