You're absolutely right. This article shows a combination of disregard, ignorance, and disgust for vulnerable women who don't always get to choose when or with who they have sex, or what form of protection may or may not be used.
You're absolutely right. This article shows a combination of disregard, ignorance, and disgust for vulnerable women who don't always get to choose when or with who they have sex, or what form of protection may or may not be used.
Everyone's recovery will be different, so perhaps what I have to say won't be relevant. But to answer your question regarding the possibility of recovering, yes, I do think it's possible. I struggled with serious anorexia for several years, to the point of needing hospitalization. But when it came to that point, I…
Absolutely. I get the author's poor attempt at humor, but referring to this murdered woman in the title as just 'some hot chick' is just disrespectful, regardless of her education or activism or appearance. However, given her circumstances, it's just wrong, wrong, wrong.
Absoooolutely! You're dead on about everything! I moved away 6 months ago, and no real regrets. Other than my partner, everyone I knew in NYC loooooooved it.
Agreed! It was very difficult to get me to wear anything other than my stretch pants (some of which had hideous stirrup straps!) when I was a child. My family was religious and conservative and it was still a non-issue.
Huh. Guess we're just having different experiences. I agree that alcohol is generally more expensive in the US, but the gap between a £4 pint in London vs the $7 in NYC isn't huge (obviously both cities have more/less expensive). To me I find the differences bigger at say, Thai restaurants (biased fave), where an…
No advice to give, but just wanted to commiserate. I am in a very similar situation, where my boyfriend of several years and I have been living together and are totally committed to each other. We also have no real interest in getting married (I just don't care about it, would hate to plan a wedding). Yet it drives…
Just wanted to say that I totally agree, based on my own life experiences. Some men (actually, women too) are consistent serial cheaters, but not all are. There are plenty of cases where it just takes the right person for a former cheater to become monogamous, and I too am sick of the bullshit lines regarding former…
As a person who has lived in many cities and states throughout the US and now lives and travels throughout the UK, I have to disagree. Eating out in the US is generally MUCH CHEAPER than in the UK, particularly in any restaurant with table service. This is also why more casual restaurants and coffee shops in the UK…
If you don't want to see other people, don't see them. There are other ways to slow the progress of a relationship. I can totally understand how dating someone else would feel disingenuous, so it wouldn't be fun or fair for you or the datee. If the guy you like has mutual feelings, things will probably fall into…
Hang in there! It's such a tough situation, but you can do this! Try not to worry about the future too much, just handle each moment's issues as they come. Remember that you are doing the best thing for your children, and the best job you can do. Don't be afraid to ask anyone, even acquaintances, for help, even…
I will second Indiana, having grown up there (now living abroad). Certain cities/towns are more liberal than others, but house prices are CHEAP everywhere (as is the cost of living). Also, in my experience, people are very polite and friendly, and politics and to some degree, religion, aren't generally considered…
I just wanted to add to my previous comment, that I really struggled with the future of my relationship while I was being harassed by this woman. I was very resentful of my boyfriend and didn't think I could trust him fully again (and held him partly responsible for the worst period of my life—nearly two years of…
I just wanted to say that, based on what you've mentioned so far, you really may not know how entirely evil and psychotic this woman may be. I have been in a very similar situation, and my boyfriend was basically blackmailed into inaction.
Yes! Thank you! Too many people simply cannot grasp the difference between anything Danish and Dutch, and it drives me insane!
Just wanted to say that I was in a very similar situation. After awhile on the nuvaring, I was basically in a neverending cycle of getting a UTI, whose treatment would cause a yeast infection, whose treatment would then cause a UTI. Even though my albeit shitty doctor insisted the nuvaring couldn't cause a UTI or…
Did anyone else find season 3 to be a bit of a disappointment? I LOVED seasons 1 and 2, but nearly every episode of season 3 has left me either asleep (literally) or bored 10 minutes in. While the plot lines were new, the writing still felt somewhat stale...(and I normally love Shirley Maclaine!)