Bring on the Old Dog(EB-52 Megafortress)
Bring on the Old Dog(EB-52 Megafortress)
Japan offered to do that.
The F-22 was about to have a price drop because the cost was coming down. When the line shut down, the F-22 was about to cost a little more than the target cost of the F-35.
We could restart the line fairly easily. A lot of the people are still there and are looking to work on the F-22 again. A few Minor design tweaks and a few new chips, and the whole thing starts rolling again.
Please don’t forget CNN, MSNBC, Time, Rolling Stones, NPR, etc
Sooo does this mean that if Trump suddenly supports the Hilldabeast that we can finally be done with her run as well? Just following the logic of the site so far. Until now, ¾ of the site said the F-35 sucks .....….till now.