Grand Moff Trillest

Football is an antiquated sport, and we are seeing what happens when one tries to bring something that should have gone extinct into the modern world.

Who did it first: Basketball Jones/Starters or Deadspin?

that’s some cold shit, craig

Because not everyone cares about the EU.

You sound like the people in 1980 that said Darth Vader was lying after ESB came out.


No one is making you read the novels or participate in the expanded universe. Just watch the movies, and you’re fine. Other people enjoy them, but they aren’t necessary for the main saga story.

Solid CinemaScore grade and solid ticket sale numbers leads me to believe the internet is making the film seem more polarizing than it actually is.

Have you ever heard of a concept called “suspension of disbelief”? You should try it sometime; it makes for a good movie-watching experience.

TLJ is many things, but it is certainly not a tribute. It feels like the opposite. And I like this.

Rey’s parents being irrelevant is exactly in line with the theme of the story, and it’s fabulous because it erases the idea that the Force is somehow this biological, inherently-given, genetic thing you have or don’t. And Snoke never mattered—that story is about Kylo Ren. We have gotten used to, over the course of 40


What a garbage sport.

Was confused by this, too.

The next comment below yours is someone doing this.

if you and your family are gunna die, it is OK to steal some fucking food

Yes, and people do argue the NFL draft is eerily similar.

fuck you

“it still consists of the same elected officials as last year, the same Congresspersons and Senators, the same fundraising apparatus and donors”

Baseball fans upset about meaningless traditions like “K” is one of the many reasons I hate baseball. You sound like an asshole—and you probably are one.