Do you know why the Packers are in the new movie? Because a group of them are huge fans of Pitch Perfect and kept tweeting about how much they loved it and how badly they wanted to be in the new movie. The producers saw the tweets and invited them to join the cast for a small part.
Gronk putting that trophy in Conan's nuts is pretty much exactly how I expect Gronk is at all times, and I am okay with that.
Conan had Rob Gronkowski and Marshawn Lynch on his show to play the yet-to-be-released Mortal Kombat X, and there…
Nobody intends to protect rapists, they intend to protect the reputation of the frat and system as a whole
You make so many excellent points in this piece Jia, but this one stands out;
there are some P R E S S ED ass white people in these comments. jesus christ.
It's telling, still, that the best and most practical idea I heard all weekend is predicated on the worst, most misogynist impulses. From a sorority sister of mine whose actual sister—also a UVA alum—is now a police officer who works with victimized women: "Make it a taboo for frat boys to hook up with blackout…
It’s a blue, cold Thursday in January and I’m walking down Rugby Road on the first night of fraternity rush at the…
Welker: [becomes concerned that the Seahawks will, in turn, target him after his multiple concussions]
Jesus. This is getting pathetic. The national media was more aggressive toward Brady than they were toward Ray Rice at the press conference yesterday.
I'm sure this will Qwell all the drama.
"big football prom" is going in my vocabulary for sure.
Some guys like old balls. Some guys like old balls. Some guys like old balls.
Give it a rest, Wesley. We get it - Taylor is so inauthentic and fake, unlike Katy who is an artiste who expresses her authentic self through her whipped cream-shooting nipples.
I mean, yes, I am a nightmare hag and also fuck me
Oh, she's way mad. Did you respond with a link to this article?
youre a bitch. i bet some poor, nice fucking girls in axo are freaking the fuck out during their FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES because your article now reigned hell on their sorority. i bet theyre having to deal with their nationals and will be getting shit on as a chapter for the next two fucking years. honestly fuck you.