Yes. A frunk. That’s what us Honda NC700x motorcycle riders call the faux gas tank storage unit that can handle two, count ‘em two, six packs.
Yes. A frunk. That’s what us Honda NC700x motorcycle riders call the faux gas tank storage unit that can handle two, count ‘em two, six packs.
“Vesuvius”- in honor of their ability to blow head gaskets.
Excellent theory. Can’t rattlecan a disk brake. Well I suppose you could, but it would last all of a ten minute night ride thru Kandahar.
Why would they want a 110 with drum brakes when they could get a 140cc with better engine protection and disks for $500 more? Oh wait, it’s the military. I’m sure by the time they add the milspec lights and rattlecan paint job the price will have risen to that of a BMW Sertao. The 110 is admittedly very light. Maybe…
Adult male moose can weigh 1500 pounds. An average cow moose, at least in Alaska, goes around 1000. New Hampshire moose are probably smaller. I have dodged more than my share of giant moose in Alaska. They are hard to see on the side of the road at night and they are dumb as puffballs. You never know when they are…
In the 80s I had a job in Alaska that required me to once a month travel in the early morning dark hours (winter) straight through the heart of a moose refuge to another small town. The government equipped me with a K-Car for this travel. I told them to fuck themselves and drove my 2.5 litre Jeep Cherokee despite them…
The city I live in has many squirrels. Many appear run over in the road. I know of no one that has run over a squirrel. I have never run one over on either a motorcycle or a car. Yet there they are dead in the road. I attribute it to squirrel gang violence. They drag the bodies into the road to cover up the evidence.
Brad is going to have to learn how to get google to put his URL at the top of a search. Seriously, I'm thinking ok I'll drive over there and buy a car. Google Brad Miller Toyota. Nothing.
Land Rover Tarmac Quarterly
And after one loop around the track you have to fix the head gasket.
Some states have a provision that if you don't pay a judgment for a car wreck they suspend your license. In the 80s I sued a guy who dinged my car at an intersection. I sued him in real court though not SCC, because SCC is a joke with no rules and fly by pants equity style "justice." He didn't pay, I did the paperwork…
To do it right Jeep would need to concoct some sort of new retro-Lucas electrics. Something computer programmed to fail intermittently for no obvious reason and make it impossible to fix without replacing the entire wiring harness on a semi-annual basis.
Wouldn't they first have to commit a crime, go to prison, get a job in the prison license plate shop, then make a plate with your number on it, then when they're paroled put it on their similar make and model to commit the robbery of the century? Or alternatively they could drive down the street until they found…
The new design is a perfect transition to the razor-delivering drones about to descend upon us.
The Obama Administration never gave a fuck about wildlife (or the environment for that matter) until Hillary decided to make it a priority because Chelsea wanted an avocation. So Hillary got the State Department to pony up a boatload of funds for the cause, enlisted DOJ and all the usual suspects including the US Fish…
Lumber bike with worthless 80/20 road biased tires. What are those? Avon Distancias? Least they could have done was throw on a pair of TKC-80s.
Cast in lucite by Damien Hirst. Opening at $7,459,000, Sotheby's.
Nicely lifted. Not Skyjacked (tm) into the heavens. Which proves you are indeed notaredneck.
The point I took from the article was that the Federal Authorities asked Land Rover to go over the VINS and tell them whether the vehicles were legal and Land Rover confirmed, I can't emphasize that enough, confirmed, that the vehicles were illegal. Now maybe Land Rover f'd up I don't know. Do these 11os have OBD II…
The even more bizarre thing is that if you go on and look for new Ridgelines they are selling at a premium. You can buy a left over F-150 for $10K less than one of these things. I do not understand it. You'd think they would be giving them away.