
Oooh! Windows Phone guide, please!

First, you'll want to correct your article's title per the article itself: quitting your apps doesn't worsen battery life; restarting them does.

I'd love to see some better management tools for those of use with huge amounts of friends and pages. I have 1250 friends and 600 pages liked, and organizing them into lists is a nightmare. There used to be a place where you could see which ones weren't on any list and add them to a list, but that feature no longer

Wonderful title, especially as your headline article on the front page. I obviously picked a fantastic day to tell my mother-in-law about your site and all the great tips herein.

Honestly, it sure doesn't help little WP7 who had its UI going for it. Not that ICS is anywhere near as pretty, but it may be "pretty enough" for the masses.