“My ball’s got extra heat today”
Maybe he revisited her?
Al-Jazeera America dropped the full The Dark Side: Secrets of the Sports Dopers documentary on YouTube before its…
Yes, but at least he didn’t accept a ride from an alumni in a golf cart to go from one side of campus to the other!
Except for when he sat his bare ass on that female trainer’s face in college.
Sure except for that time he held down a female trainer and teabagged her.
♫ HGH you work so gooooood ♫
Technology evangelicals often forget that, unlike a mobile device, an autonomous vehicle could kill someone if it isn’t properly tested (and could kill someone even if it is). In aviation we have a saying: FARs are written in blood. The same holds mostly true for automotive safety regulations. They can whine, bitch,…
Yep. I get shouted down as a curmudgeon every time I say it, but recreational VR isn’t happening. It closes you off from everyone around you, looks dorky, causes nausea, and requires clunky hardware laying on your coffee table.
VR feels a lot like the next Google Glass. It was cool because 80’s movies made it look cool... and then it came out and people realized they had no actual use for it.
If this guy is a protestor, Carly Fiorina is a presidential candidate.
Thanks. Just had to point it out, ‘cos let’s face it, what were the odds? :P
My only plight with linkle is why? Zelda has plenty of awesome female characters already? There is this trend rightnow to make characters female just because. Its turning into a gimicky crappy writing mechanism in comics and is making its way into video games. I would much rather have more details on the pre-existing…
yeah surely there’s better options. Even if they wanted to keep a similar sound. How about... Mink? Ok that sucks too but it’s easier to pronounce and hear than Linkle.
Can we trade for Mario Sunshine HD? Thanks.
Why is that a better analogy? Because it makes your flawed analogy “fit” another example scenario?
Counter Point. A well designed game will teach you all the mechanics and ramp up the difficulty as you progress. Megaman X, Shovel Knight, Guacamelee, Super Metroid/Metroid Prime. Those games aren’t fun if you just rush through it with everything unlocked, because you don’t understand what it’s like to not have all…
Please. They spent a year coming up with excuses as to why real world emissions tests were coming up with drastically different numbers. They only admitted to it once the feds made it impossible for VW to continue lying.
They were informed of the emissions discrepancies over a year ago. They denied test result after test result until finally CA said they wouldn't certify their new models at which point they admitted to gaming the test.
Whenever I hear people talk about trying to stop climate change, I get the visual of someone trying to stop a train by standing in front of it.