
Would like to have seen if any other names were considered. I’ve sort of landed on Lynze (alt spelling: Linze - pronounced “Lens”). Sort of in the same way that Link is the player’s link into the gaming world, she acts as the lens/filter of our experience. Plus, it’s got a unique/characterish flavor and is a pseudo

Should’ve went with “Ellie” if they wanted to go that route.

Split-screen in-person co-op/matches are the videogame version of practical effects in movies for me...the movie tends to feel more ‘real’ and be far more enjoyable and personal with stakes that are actually felt (look no further than ‘Edge of Tomorrow,’ which was far superior to most overtly saturated CGI

It’s like the immortal words of Lao Tzu:

Mario Ninja Warrior

Apple bottom bangs.

“I am not anti-vaccine. I am anti-thimerosal, anti-mercury. They have taken some of the mercury laden thimerosal out of vaccines. NOT ALL!”

Nintendo is totally Black Friday-ing this E3 (as in, doing the early Thursday creep-in), and it’s awesome.

At this point, Smash Bros seems like the conglomerate that keeps buying up/absorbing smaller companies (or, in this case, characters/fighters and their respective gameplay mechanics) on its way to becoming a monopolistic mega-fighter umbrella corporation/platform...which I’m totally fine with.

Just earlier today I was wondering if they could manage a haptic feedback vest/armor/suit (including some power glove-like dealy) to go along with the OR that registered and relayed "feelings" from the game. Maybe utilizing some sort of low grade electrical pulses. No clue on the logistics, but - if feasible - might

Had some movie channel on in the background the other day and All-Star Superman came on. This exact part was on there and when I heard it all I could think was, "the fuck?"

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In celebration, one of the greatest covers of the Wind Waker theme around.

Randi's friendlist could use at least one heckling wise-ass. Someone to knock all these self-righteous, self-important pricks down a peg (along with the "good" lawyer plug, the Jeff Bezos name-drop, Shaililili's airtight "they're just jelly!" logic, and the ditto-head brigade's entire perspective on "human decency"

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Turkey tail mushrooms are also being studied for their cancer-fighting properties. They even helped mycologist Paul Stamets's mother kick a pretty nasty case/stage(4) of breast cancer (starts around 7:51 of embedded video).

The fuck makes you think they are "afraid" of something? Maybe they just don't want to use their real name. They don't need to explain themselves to you, and the default reasoning certainly isn't that they are "afraid" of anything. That's the same faulty "nothing-to-hide" bullshit assertion that this article takes

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He should also decry the way med.med uses and abuses science: