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Maybe they'll give mycelial mats a run for their money:

Goes beyond the factories:

Aldous Huxley had a quote about advertising about how its main function was to "increase and intensify craving" and "prevent the will from ever achieving silence." That's one of the fundamental problems here, I think. We've been so thoroughly trained to satisfy ourselves through endless consumption (being both good

Yep. Like how he basically refers to those type of workers counterparts here in the states as (among other things) "wear and tear on our public infrastructure." Chances are, they fucking built the public infrastructure. The prick.

Ed Conrad, one of Mitt Romney's old buddies at Bain Capital, had a pretty revealing quote that's been making the rounds lately. One that delves a little deeper into just how cynical this type of outsourcing is (even though it's still barely scratching the surface):

Yep! From Chapter 3, I believe.

Well, it's been translated a few different ways:

This was always one of my favorite stories in Taoist canon:

This might not be a direct one-to-one comparison, but there was a recent article at ScienceDaily that dealt with the devastating effects of "nutrient enrichment" on natural habitats (particularly in the long run):

The Last Supper one brought to mind a beautiful (and haunting) poem on the theme of life's transience:

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Someone needs to make a cut of the jump set to Mötley Crüe's "Home Sweet Home." Have the jump synced up with the first "I'm on my way-ay-ayyyyyy..." (with the salute matching the band kicking in).

Once upon a time, there was a story called Brave New World. The end.

The map is not the territory!

In Zen Buddhism, they call it the "finger pointing at the moon":

The fun and awesome, truly, starts right now.

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Yeah, Terence isn't everyone's cup of tea. In that, he enjoyed the psychedelic tea Ayahuasca, on occasion. Was big on psilocybin mushrooms and smoked DMT, too. He had some out there ideas, but he also had a good deal of practical insights and was incredibly well read and well versed on science and philosophy. He

Hey! I was just listening to one of Terence McKenna's lectures today and he made that exact same point:

What the hell does chair have to do with Facebook? Come on, THINK! Facebook and chair, in it together...how? Why?!

In the (rare) event that psychedelics ever get legalized in some form, I wonder how many of these would switch over to micro-dosing LSD:

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Sorry, but this has the market cornered on "serious underwater kickass."