No, it involves pants.
No, it involves pants.
Does the paper at all take into account how soils were back them (in terms of health and nutrient-richness), and what would've been the dinosaur/herbivore's integral role in building and maintaining them?
William James put it rather well:
Thanks!! And you on yours!
These kids seem pretty genuine. So do these precious old ladies:
Don't forget the self-replicating machine elves!
Oh, I'm sure there are plenty more fronts where we can attack it on. Salatin does make the claim that:
I'm actually interested in a technique farmer/author Joel Salatin has perfected and advocated called "management-intensive grazing". In a bit of biomimicry, Salatin replicates the herbivore-plant symbiotic relationship in nature by moving cows from paddock to paddock and allowing them to "mow" the grass and to leave…
(deleted...meant as a response to a comment down thread)
Would "gab" be close?
This is a really neat article - and I realize the whole point is that these concepts are hard to conceive of and translate into English - but your description of "wu-wei" is pretty far off (and a common misunderstanding).
I think Neil is guilty of the same thing he is accusing other people of - arguing from ignorance. That is, he asserts his opinion as if he has absolute knowledge of all reports. Certain reports, as yours attests, aren't as simplistic as his broad brush implies. Especially when it comes to multiple disparate…
Yeah, Neil? Tell that to this precious little old lady! She's even bundled in an adorable head scarf, for fuck's sake!
If anything deserves well-funded research for treatment for alcoholism it's Ibogaine:
My pleasure! There are plenty of great resources out there, but that site's one of my favorite because it consolidates a lot of the salient points in a short space. I'm also a fan of farmers Joel Salatin ([]), and Mark McAfee ([]), among others.
Anyone at all interested in why things like this happen, the food we eat, and how we can legitimately work towards a better, healthier (for the land, animals and our bodies), more sustainable system owes it to themselves to read this book:
Plus it has a monumentally better/denser nutrient profile:
Can't express how awesome and perfect that reference is!
Bingo. And it would have been nice to see Alasdair report on that (I think I dropped your BBC link in the tips box a few days ago...along with the embedded news clip). This manipulate and "sweep addiction under the rug" conceit is fucking stupid. Ibogaine, by all accounts, not only acts as a chemical reset, but…