
There are plenty of “great” sjw games you could play instead while you are whining about this and trying to censor jrpgs to suit your all important personal preference

Who the fuck are you to say it isn’t needed? The creators of the game wanted this to be her outfit, so it’s her outfit. As a creator and an entertainer, I find people like you who think everyone is supposed to have your sensibilities the most annoying people on earth. You don’t like them, fine. Being an uptight prude

Okay, we get it. Boobs are evil. Leave the review. Move on. Everyone’s indulging this guy way too much. If he’s not interested in the game, he can stop commenting and let those of us who are, talk about it.

And you didn’t hold a press conference? I would have canceled my preorder if I have known that some random nobody whose opinion I couldn’t care less about was offended by a series of polygons. Please, keep us more informed in the future, so we can make informed decisions based upon your feelings.

There is nothing wrong with her outfit.

Cool story, I’ll play it and enjoy it.

No one cares and Michelangelo is the worst Ninja Turtle.

I’m not sure how to feel, yet, but one discomfiting thought that keeps coming back is how it feels kind of similar to how right leaning outlets would bring up pizzagate with a sorta “we just don’t know!” hands in the air routine.

But Obama is the super cool prez and disagreeing with anything he says or does means your a racist! just like not buying every beyonce album makes you racist! and not seeing lady ghostbusters means you hate all the women!

Yeah...how dare those guys not break the law to support my cause!

I’m not a big fan of Belamire gender labeling BigBro442

Belamire said that the alleged virtual groping, while not real, is still “scary as hell.”

Thank god ive been triggered so many time after a dude teabags my dead body in Halo.

Don’t worry about it. Snowflakes are offended at what they see. It’s uncomfortable. Combine that with the fact that they can Monday morning QB and make addicts victims, welcome to Kinja.