Dr. Necessiter

Wet Hot American Fucking Autocorrect

That was my take, too. The entire WHAM summer is Coop's horribly written exxageration of what was, in reality, a simple Summer Camp experience and reunion. All the insane stuff (Skylab/Toxic Waste/Nuclear bomb) was him fabricating his throughline in search of a real ending!

On my first watch (binged) TYL fell flat. On second viewing, I think it's my favorite of the three (1 movie and 2 series). When you aren't speeding it through it (A way of watching that really helped FDoC), it really improves and those silly little beats really sink in.

Oh, man, we meet again! Sorry, by the way.

The movie sucks, yeah, but a good part of that is that the source material sucks. I remember, when the GN came out, I showed a copy to my Classics professor. He was literally enraged at how much bullshit he found in there. It was basically the equivalent of a small stroke.

I had a slow afternoon and binged the whole thing. It's somewhere between the movie, which was a little more grounded IMHO (inasmuch as WHAS can be) and the First Series, which was wall to wall non sequitor. So, not as much fun as the series, not as sweet as the movie. It's okay.

Nah. The giant spiders, the langoliers, the hand of God in the stand…these things were pretty goofy on the page, too. King is best when he keeps his forces rooted in the frame. Carrie has a solid ending. Salems lot has a solid ending. Misery, Pet Cemetary, etc. as long as his evil has a human face, he's okay. He

But he's terribly wrong about Archie Bunker. Archie was a misanthropic racist, but he worked for a living, was dedicated to Edith and was capable of real growth. There's a reason why Bunker was sympathetic to millions. He had that "basically good-hearted curmudgeon" thing happening. Trump not so much.

This whole review is utter nonsense. If I added a fart gun to Sense and Sensibility, that's not a mark of how difficult Jane Austen is to adapt. It's a mark of how stupid I was to add a fart gun to Sense and sensibility.

I made the same mistake. I figured he was the guy with the coconuts.

It's hard out there for an extraterrestrial messiah.

Yes. In the landmark People vs. The Cult of Cthulhu case of 1947, it was determined that actively petitioning a death-God for the destruction of the human race and corresponding physical universe can be interpreted as an act of criminal mischief punishable by up to six weeks of community service and fine not to exceed


Honestly, any words in this thread other than LOL are probably just russian bots.

Sociopaths were children once, as well. Also, this is the GOP, so, yeah, it's not hard to believe that they wrote a letter, found a kid, labelled that kid "pickle" and went with it.

You are partly right. When I say, "Torture is bad," it's just a platitude. When John McCain says, "Torture is bad," I imagine that he gets a faraway look and lets out a tragic, little fart or something. You and me, it's just words and abstraction. He's got all the senses involved, so it's a more effective, more

Yeah, but she's basically gone now, right? I mean, we don't remember Weezer for Raditude.

Well, he was actually tortured, so, you know, experience and all that. It's like when I say, "picking your nose and eating your boogers is unhealthy." Everyone knows that, but I've got a lot more credibility.

"I'm sure some of those on the other side are celebrating tonight. Not, like, 'drinking Nattie Lights in the Rose Garden ' celebrating, as is the custom nowadays, but, you know, just feeling really satsified within themselves, luxuriating in their own inner lives and sense of personal well-being, breathing a deep

And I say, "let's be reasonable" all the time!