Dr. Necessiter


Wait, do girls really sleep like that? Three in a bed? Legs all splayed out? That picture looks like three very happy men have just been raptured in mid thrust!

Trump turned himself into a pickle. He's Pickle Trump, Morty!!!!

This made me laugh so hard I almost barfed!

Oh, I liked him. Also, Kaitlyn Snow has now officially become the Kiss of Death.

Guys! It's me, Dr. Necessiter! The only AV CLUB commentor named for a David Warner role! And it's mentioned!!!! I'm so excited and feel that I have finally arrived!

Finally, Random Roles covers my namesake performance!!!!

Man, New York is played out, but oddly entertaining. Still, has any film ever captured the spirit of a place more than Wild Things encapsulates the people and places of Central Florida?

Man, the other day, one of the conservative folks on my facebook feed was all up on some new "liberal" conspiracy theory, some crazy thing Hillary Clinton was said to have done or other. Someone pointed out this this particular story had been throughly debunked and posted a Snopes link.

It's a remake of a classic Ross illustration. pfft. You call yourselves nerds…

I prefer my Idea: What if the North had won the Civil War and gone on to thoroughly dismantle its bullshit, racist government so as to insure that freed slaves were actually given equal rights following the fucking civil war and not, like, 100 years later, for fuck's sake!!

Totally agree. I just don't know that a fully formed frontal cortex is necessarily prerequisite for sexual consent. I mean, it could be. We could, as a culture, determine that sex is so very consequential that our understanding of sexual maturity needs to be adjusted to, say, twenty-one years of age.

I refer you to the Poison Ivy films. Who's the real victim here?

Oh, I'm not arguing or really even disagreeing. Just thinking.

Well, someone knocked her up. Maybe it was R. Kelly?


I see the problem. I just don't necessarily think of it as inherent. If your talking about adult and child sexual relationships, of course I'm against it. If you're talking about adult and younger adult sexual relationships, less so, though I prefer a peer.

That's a bit off, I think. An 18 years old female is an adult. A 13 year old female is not. I mean, in the ancient world, a girl who menstruated was oftentimes considered sexually mature. That made sense because, well, she was fertile and, anyway, adolescence is a fairly recent concept. It's a lot harder to shield

I would like to take this moment to note:

That's the problem with sexual attraction towards other people. If you were into, hypothetically, mud or chickens, say, you could just go with it.