Life long Dodgers fan, but that was some BadAss shit By Posey. I respect him not having that idiot Strickland’s back over some petty shit.
Life long Dodgers fan, but that was some BadAss shit By Posey. I respect him not having that idiot Strickland’s back over some petty shit.
Whoa dude, did you just Diss Goddard Bolt?
Spoiler: its actually bird shit on it
But she’s just the director... she doesn’t get to write. So yeah, not sure how that makes this gestating turd any better
But like really...Am I the only one that has a problem w her horrible, definitely not wonder woman accent? Sound’s like early Arnold tbh. I mean, that superman funeral scene... YIKES
You have NOT avoided being ignorant. You’re forgetting factor’s like health Care coverage, retirement plan, guaranteed work hours and long term job security...Fast food worker will not receive the same benefits
This, hell yes. THIS is a dope article,way better than the cars 3 car wreck from trendcosta
“It’s just really, really hard not to wonder these things...when you have no talent as a writer”
You forgot the main question: Who Gives a fuck?
Oh, maybe because like all the other bullshit you waste webspace about, IT’S NOT FUCKING REAL
You are one of the shittiest writers on the inter webs. Car’s confuses you, but you fucken LOVED days of future past? Wow
And grown men smoke weed about it, Nathan! Especially your dad here
If you weren’t so hot I’d swear you were using sarcasm to get a point across
Clearly you have no fucking idea what “fast food money” is. It’s not your fault, there’s one like you on every thread
Are you upset the map didn’t fondle your ball’s as well? Wow, can’t imagine how much adderall you must have snorted to write this so called article
Lol, this was way better than that turd DOFP you all loved, where Prof X just HAPPENS TO HAVE THE FUCKING CURE FOR THE MUTANT GENE.
Can we see Rob’s??
You can’t be a real writer and use “lit” fucken shit head
I’m sorry but censoring does not make a Mel Brooks film “better” it was already perfect
Homer Simpson nod