
1. LOL! Ok that's funny! 2. hubs better have a nice valentine's day planned!

i was talking about the acceleration of jiz. get it? no friction, no acceleration? ya?

meh, could have been worse. Like Analdonkeygangbangs.com

We've got a hit!

I just know that if there's no friction at all, something is not going to be accelerated at all...

Call me when he can successfully sign up for Obama Care

I'm sorry, did someone call for monster wood?

Blatant ripoff of Assassin's Creed Black Flag! Even the plot is the same.

The pilot can be seen on the left in this photo.

Next week, the physics of blowjobs! Friction x Suction = Acceleration

Maybe Justin Timberlake as Paddle 1? "Bring it on down to Atari-Ville"

This will be the most awesomely awesome video game movie ever! The casting will be tricky, but still you can't beat the plot and it will still be better than the Mario Brothers.

A three hour tour! It was supposed to be a fucking three hour tour!

Hmm interesting....

Cool Ok. But still I think the phrase is flies. And next question is how do they feel about vinegar?

Show me the honey!

Give me back my honey!

Very Interesting article! I'm definitely going to get one of those infinite power generators!

Isn't the phrase more flies? Why would you use honey to get bees? You get honey from bees. Would you steal bee honey and then use it to attract them? I guess you could hold the honey ransom. Then the bees would be all like, Damn! This sucks, but it's better than vinegar. Not that I'm complaining...

I sympathize. Keep at it. You really do need to build muscle everywhere, some people say it's more important than cardio. Also if you get stuck try a rotating calorie schedule that has high and low days you can use this site. It helped for me. first calculate your caloric need using the link below and then after it