

Ok, so he invented the loudest, hottest, most expensive lazy Suzan ever. That's cool, I normally keep a first-aid kit at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

c'mon Giz, maybe you need to consult your readership on prices before you put them up!

Well hard to say how practical it will be at this point, but i'll say this much, it's a beautiful design!

Awesome! Now I can buy that new camcorder!

Don't be silly, the bike was might light enough for you to carry uphill because it is probably more efficient than pedaling.

Whoa, Chris Tucker was funny? Okay, I'm definitely watching the 5th element again and If I laugh at something Chris Tucker says or does I will buy the Internet a beer.

That's funny, the last guy called me a moron. Well, good wordplay for a moron.

If I weren't already a moron I might actually be offended.

Ok, due to the overwhelming defense of the 5th Element, Ribeye has suggested that perhaps Hudson Hawk is the movie that Bruce Willis should have time traveled back to and killed himself. I stand corrected.

LOL, ok that one wasn't too memorable was it. Ok, I think that no one will defend that one.

Wow, think of what that robot could do with congress! Whoops, sorry I misread the tagline. The robot repurposes random objects as tools whereas congress is a bunch of random tools to which I object.

Looper I think i might actually like

yeah 12 monkeys was kinda fucked up, I'm going to watch 5th element again, but it's still not my favorite, If there were software the could remove Chris Tucker from the movie I would give it a 10!

Just so you know i'm not entirely crazy...from wikipedia.

I haven't seen it in a while Mila was Leloo right?

Not to me...it had its moments, but not (to me) a great movie. In the sci-fi genre, Blade runner was a great movie, and if Blade Runner was a great movie and if the Fifth Element is a great movie, then one of them has to be wrong! I liked parts of the fifth element and I love Bruce Willis, but man the plot of that one

I beg to differ 34 + 24 + 36 = This chick...nice equation. Okay, I was never good at equations, but still.

A friend of mine had one of the first Pulsar (led) watches (like in the Bond movie) and I thought it was the coolest fucking thing I'd ever seen! You set the time with magnets! Magnets! It was super expensive. Then came the knockoffs, then LCD was the newest coolest thing. It's weird how when consumer technology was

You are totally not a dipshit! Well at least not for that post. I'd have to hang out with you and chat with your friends to come to any reasonable clinical conclusions.