As hundreds of attorneys fist pump in unison saying "Yeah baby, boat payments!" (you gotta be a car talk fan)
As hundreds of attorneys fist pump in unison saying "Yeah baby, boat payments!" (you gotta be a car talk fan)
BTW, it should have been "comma" not "commas." Muah ha ha. Also, Shocktop is one of my favorite beers.
Then it's settled. Two people is good enough for me.
No they didn't...Or did they???
Now I understand completely! Wile E. Coyote was actually trying to cure the roadrunner's cancer!
The gizmodo comma makes sense and the caps (lazy), however, the ellipsis comment was helpful. I think I probably overdo the ellipsis admittedly. I actually do quite a bit of writing (usually much better than that particular sentence), but I've gained a greater appreciation for how difficult it can be (punctuation…
I thought serial killers use cut up newspaper print???
You are correct sir! Now if you can tell me whether or not I was wearing a watching while writing you'll get the grand prize!
Yeah I always had trouble with those it's like a "y" but with a square bottom. My uppercase "Z" isn't fantastic either, that's why I avoid writing about zoos.
Start by telling me what was wrong and what the correct edit should be. This way I can determine if I honestly don't know the rule or I just made a careless error by rushing and not checking my work.
It was the first gunpowder-powered nutcracker! Sweet! Alternate answer: Worst newborn forceps ever.
Shit, now I have to think of another one!
Ok, that was so engaging that I propose from this point forward all education takes place this way...oh yes, and it has to be a guy with a British Accent, it just seems to make it more credible somehow...
Clearly, I don't use it very much...
The Captchas will be responsible for making software smart enough to answer all the questions and lead to the eventual development of Skynet. Young children won't even know how to respond. Or you could call in Harrison Ford's character from Blade runner and he would tell you "you see a turtle on his back struggling,…
I guess that makes me dumb enough. Never had one damaged
I seriously doubt that the iPhone actually started the brawl....well maybe...
So we're connected by chairs? Because we all use them? Facebook is like a toilet then too...which makes sense seeing as how much shit everyone puts on it!
Hey don't be so harsh. If I ever need cables for my solid gold Rolls-Royce I'm definitely buying monster cables!
Fight club airline safety......