Damn I keep forgetting that "e"
Damn I keep forgetting that "e"
Yes I cheapened a crowning achievement for the aerospace industry with a bad joke....meh, it's a slow day at the office..
Personally I prefer computer animation, have you ever had to stay in position for 10 hours a day with no smoke breaks? Fuck that! I'm Gumby Dammit!
Oh so that's where little jets come from!
Bitch, go get me a beer while I figure out how to kill all the humans!
snagged two at the apple store....they still had plenty, but no converters..
apple can NEVER make anything too long and light!
Big whoop. Amanda Bynes has had a driverless car for quite some time now...
It's not just for sex anymore!
there's so much comedic fodder...i just didn't have much time to devote to it.....
We're very excited here in Cupertino because this is absolutely the thinnest, lightest, most beautiful prison shank we've ever made....The iShiv 5. It's 20% thinner and 18% lighter than the iShiv 4s! So go on and put someone's iOut with the new iShiv 5!
Actually I believe that they ARE worth the money, at least they are to me. Perhaps notebook manufacturers have gotten better, but most notebooks i've owned started breaking and coming apart at the hinge, bezel, what have you, from normal use. My unibody macbook is an entirely different beast. It's worth it to me to…
I get your point. I guess what I meant was that Windows runs on machines that vary widely in terms of their quality/price/features/manufacturers, etc...
Interesting prediction, but I always thought that there are two big reasons windows survives: 1) Business and 2) It isn't tied to hardware produced exclusively by microsoft. If mac OS could run on cheap ass HP notebooks, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but it isn't, Windows runs on any piece of shit!...Does that…
yeah i didn't sell mine either.....I should have listened to my better judgement,...
Well I'm glad my misfortune could get a laugh! At least that thing was good for something
you know man I REALLY wanted to like this watch to replace my ipod nano with my lunatik case, but the ipod nano is both a better watch AND definitiely a better music player. The music application is so god awful fucked up you don't even want to hear about it. I'm glad I at least saved one poor soul!
You can add the Italian "I'm watch" to this list. I bought one like a fucking moron....biggest piece of shit I have ever had the displeasure of using. They should rename it "I'm A waste of money." "I'm an idiot" for getting one...For those of you considering this epic fail of a timepiece/android Frankensteined POS,…
And I think we all know what's next...Muah, ha ha....
ummm, not to be off topic, but does that hand belong to that woman or to another woman, because the latter would be way hotter...