
actually no i'm not mocking you i'm exaggerating how important it is to have multiple backups. I was just being silly, there was no need to take anything personally. We make multiple backups at our office and then have offsite backups in case of disaster as well.

Back it up, make a hard copy, chisel a copy into marble, back up the back up, keep one in a fireproof safe off-site, keep one in the cloud, keep one in the backyard in a time capsule, put one on a microchip in your dog, swallow a 64gb SD card every 3 days....you get the picture...

Yes the 800 dollar one. I enjoy my 3-D tv much more too. Not the sony but im pleased with it. Sucks about the price drop. I hate that..

Yeah and this is how much Windex you're going to need....

I don't know, eye control could come in handy when you're whacking it....and think of how much cleaner your keyboard would stay....I'm just sayin'

Sony 3D visor....I am so happy I was able to get a refund....good God! What a fucking chore to wear that ergonomic disaster....

thanks guys

also, i dont know if this unit has the same problem, but my Asus throttles down the gpu when the computer is on battery power. Maybe it's a setting on my machine, but i get framerate lag until i plug in the power supply. I just don't think that high-end gaming machines are well suited to battery power. It would be

ba-boom crash!

totally worthless, it doesn't even look like it would accomodate a small butt plug...

Now, if only the umbrella itself were made of kevlar it could help protect you from the hail of bullets. This idea is right up there with the "I'm not a Terrorist and definitely don't have any bombs" T-shirt for wearing on the plane...

You've given this quite a bit of thought....

As I recall, cassette tapes were white noise generators with a track of music laid on top of it...

Hell yes brother! One thing i didn't like about onlive (which is sketchy even with a fast connection) is that it was like i wasn't playing MY game, I was playing someone else's game...just didn't seem right.

Were they actually beta max or just regular audio cassette tapes? At least audio tapes you can transfer if you wanted to bother, but i guess with all the pirating of music and pandora and spotify and what not who the hell would want to take the time to transfer tapes?

um....oh yeah, the movie limitless, having your skin separated from your body and pulled up and over your head so that you actually suffocate!

Oh shit! You win!

Hey, if you can't point it at a fucking bag of Orville Reddenbacher's while sitting on the couch then what good is it???

I could be fresh and funky, I could finally spank the monkey if I only had some arms.....do do do do do do do...

Slow suffocation in a cramped space like a coffin where it takes a while. Either that or watching a Rosie O'Donnal film festival with my eyelids held open a la Clockwork Orange...