Dr. Mid-Nite

Exactly. An actor I might have dismissed as a side of beef turns out to be more gracious and flexible than most of the people I work with.

I've only seen him in "The Vow", and he was way better than I expected. Glad to know he's both nice and real. Anybody seen "Foxcatcher"?

I keep hoping she'll cross paths with Dr Tom Halloway. I realize I'm the only one.

I'd rather keep them on AoS.

Perhaps, but he couldn't let her know that.

Veera is there for the Duncan lab explosion per issue #5 of the comic. Rachel hates her for surviving when her parents were killed.

They were aware that they had *lost* Helena. Sarah was a total surprise.

Art sure noticed. Paul too, but he didn't care.

I had always figured that Beth became aware via Katja. Now it appears it was through MK, and that Beth told Alison and Cosima. So how did MK get from Helsinki to Not Toronto, and why was she ever at the Duncans' Leda lab?

But I don't think NHS is the insurance that rebuilds your house when it burns down. Loopychew has conflated two different things.

It helps that the comics are backstory, not getting ahead of the show. How exactly Helsinki went down probably doesn't matter as much as that it happened, Rachel and Ferdinand helped make it happen, and MK and Katja survived.

Is that spoiler made clear in the comics? I'd read that Veera was coming to the show, but it did not occur to me she was MK. I watched 4.01 twice and didn't see scars. Was I nodding or something?

I thought they were best when Tomas was directing Helena's killing s. Never really added up for me that he and Hendrick's culty commune were part of the same outfit. Also, what did they do before there were clones?

There's one in the Helsinki comic, but that's set when they're in their teens. And I'm guessing it won't end well.

I'm thinking Topside took Project Leda away from Dyad after Rachel bungled her assignment to get the secret of Sarah's fertility. Neolution has infiltrated everywhere. I never did quite get the Proletheans, but I won't miss them either.

ItF isn't to blame for iZ being less fun than PD (unless you just don't want to watch a zombie show). The last remains a high water mark in fantasy teevee. But if you take the plot device of PD (murder of the week, solved with help from the victim) and add ItF's conception of zombies without apocalypse - that the

"In the Flesh" is a very well-done, original zombie show, and it can be binged in under a day. In one way, it is the show you cross with "Pushing Daisies" to get "iZombie".

That lets Hamm out, unfortunately. He's nowhere to be found in superhero movies because he doesn't want to repeat himself.

I don't even need a franchise. Just a faithful adaptation of The Long Goodbye.

I don't think the definitive Marlowe has appeared on screen. Chandler himself was dissatisfied with Bogart (a line from his first scene with Carmen Sternwood was altered from the book to account for Bogart's short stature) and said that physically the character looks more like Cary Grant. I'd like to see Jon Hamm, but