Dr Michael Eisenberg

Did they ever explain how Dr. Brenner & Hawkins Laboratory
discovered the creature and the "Upside Down" in the first place? They
knew about it before #11.

I liked this series a lot. More than DD2.
I think they could condense it to 10 episodes, though.

VEEP will be back soon!!!!
Best comedy on all of TV.

"Good stuff overall but Daredevil season 1 > Jessica Jones season 1 > Daredevil season 2."

I liked DD's new double baton cable weapon.

Blurry Innervision, I love your answers!! They're as likely as anything.

DD jumping out the window, grabbing the rope, and saving Claire was a great special effect. Maybe my favorite of the series, so far.

…he might as well have a hole in his back where Claire can reach in and operate his mouth.

I just finished the show watching it over that last week.
I liked it. B+.
All of the actors played their parts well.

It's easy to tell Chip and Dale apart.
Chip says Martha.
Dale says Marsha.

I listened to Terry Gross' pod cast. Thanks!!!

Z-Pak & Jammer are the best. They will save the day next week.

Deutschland 83. Brandon, I enjoyed your reviews and the ensuing discussions. Thank you.
Loved your line: nothing’s shown in that Stannis sort of way.

I just want to point out that it is very easy to watch Sonja Gerhardt - Annett Schneider and Lisa Tomaschewsky - Yvonne Edel w/o bothering with the subtitles:)

I liked how Z-Pak judo kicked and took possession of the assailant's rifle after being shot down in the desert. Jammer's stream of consciousness is funny.

I read more about this stuff after my post 14 days ago.
Jamie Clayton had an interesting FAQ blog. She had her gender reassignment surgery 12 years ago.

I liked it. It was funny.
I don't remember the thing about Agassi and Jordache & couldn't find much about it using a google search?

I had to look up mise-en-scene:)
Very well said!

Igorlex, Solid effort!!!
My favorite show for sound tracks (my personal taste in music) is, The Americans.
Happy 4Th!

I'd give Sense8 a B+.