
You're wrong. If you've got Windows 8 Consumer Preview installed, go to the (app) store and find evernote. Evernote is only listed as x64 and x86 compatible. So we know that Microsoft is open to the possibility of some apps only working on Intel machines. Also you don't have to write in a managed language such as

"Do we have any DNA of Jesus?"

@Cintax: No. Ofc it doesn't make the statement incorrect. and it wasn't to critisize. I was simply pointing it out.

@Cintax: "A metal is any element that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat and forms cations and ionic bonds with non-metals" That is SOOO taken right from wikipedia ([en.wikipedia.org]

@Bosma: But the problem is that the ISP is solely guided by their net income. So they will limit access to lesser known sites in order to get the big dough from sites with higher income.

@gottheguds112: That's because it's two different phones. The phone on the right is the T1 mentioned in the article. The phone on the left with a slide out numeric keypad, is the Lumigon S1. They also have a phone called E1 lined up, for a later release.