The Steam Workshop for this game is incredible - I’m not usually a mod guy, but the community creations for Total War are incredible.
The Steam Workshop for this game is incredible - I’m not usually a mod guy, but the community creations for Total War are incredible.
Every week I hate my brother a little bit more for buying an Xbox One after we had clearly agreed on Playstation 4's. He’s on the opposite side of the country, and playing games a few nights a week is how we stay close. I don’t really spend enough time gaming to justify another console, especially after upgrading my…
I really want to support Stoic just because I loved the Banner Saga games so much (#3 can’t get here soon enough), so I think I’ll buy this and hold off on playing it in hopes that it gets patched. I do wish they’d do something to update Banner Saga Factions - it was a fun multiplayer take on the game, but died…
How does this compare to Rogue Legacy? I really liked that game, and this looks like a deeper version of that.
I’m really enjoying simpler games as of late - I’ve got all the new AAA releases, but find myself only playing shmups and Hyperlight Drifter.
Damn son, how you get so woke?
I really want to play the raids - I think Destiny is an alright game, but I hear raiding is the best part of it. Unfortunately, the few times I’ve used the matchmaking sites to attempt a raid, the toxic behavior drove me out before I ever get close to finishing Vault of Glass or any of the others, even in groups that…
I’ve got a bad history of concussions and nerve damage, and can usually only play turn based games online with any degree of success - but the beta of For Honor was just slowed down and tactical enough that I was able to keep up in most fights and have a great time. As a former Quake and Mortal Kombat junkie, it was…
Hmmm, this is not an Elric book. Sad. #FakeNews
Hmmm, this is not an Elric book. Sad. #FakeNews
I don’t really understand it - it doesn’t feel like a great game, but I find myself really wanting to play it every night when I get home from work. It’s very... compelling, I guess is the word I’d use.
“It’s probably explained on a Grimoire Card somewhere.” - This should probably be a tagline on the next retail box.
“I’m not saying Valve is solely to blame for all of this.”
I guess the title “Steam’s Digital Homicide Fiasco Is Partially Valve’s Fault” wouldn’t have gotten as many clicks?