
It sort of seems like a band releasing a greatest-hits album with 2 new songs on it just to get a multi-album contract with a record label over the finish line.

I’m guessing the deal Netflix and Chappelle signed was like Sandler's; a lot of money for a lot of content. They may mutually be running out the clock because this feels low effort.

I can believe that he’s a guy who got interested in a very conservative girl from a conservative family and that if he’s someone who is a little bit lost and looking to latch on to something, he might end up following her and doing what he thinks is right without actually believing it, understanding it or recognizing

There are many celebrities who could have Hillsong dragging their careers for the rest of their lives. Personally, I choose Nick Jonas, who actively pursued a gay thirsttrap audience while attending it.

I have always found the criticism of Chris Pratt to be lazy AF. People making broad assumptions about who the guy is, based on where he may/may not attend church, as proof that he is homophobic or endorses homophobic views.

No-one has ever been able to point to clear and proven homophobic actions or sentiments that

Auto-correct is cheaper than copy-editing.

Wait so the A.V. Club posted an article in disbelief that Baldwin was gonna interview Woody Allen totally mocking his choice to do so... and now here we are with the A.V. Club reporting on the content of that interview? This site is just totally about clicks now.

Jacko and Farrah Fawcett gotta be up there, along with “The Day the Music Died.”

I KNEW he was making all that stuff up!

1923! Finally, a series to explore the riveting transition from deceased President Harding to his silent successor, Calvin Coolidge. Perhaps we will explore the Teapot Dome scandal! Hearings began in October of that year.

I wonder what the original script looked like.  Was it supposed to be a comedy or did he do that?

Anyone else notice how Natalie’s show shamelessly panders to BanShe’s algorithm? The BanShe rep said that people were more likely to watch the whole show if the season starts with someone eating a dessert and if it incorporates Central Park.

Maybe “Angel and the Badman”

The BanShe scene was breathtakingly funny. Reminded me of a I Think You Should Leave sketch - you know the one (that the actress was part of). Just magnificent.

I found out what the ghoulish terf thing was about. Jesse Singal tweeted about the news, and his tweet went a bit viral and was widely discussed in the Reply All Reddit. That’s who Alex was referring to. Bit rude, since Singal has been a big fan of Reply All, but a lot of people’s kneejerk reaction to him is “ugh get

Note to other popular podcasters: You dont have to over-correct if you make a mistake. Make an apology and move on. Let people make their own choice if they want to continue listening. Self-canceling is always a lose-lose move. Dont assume that people will keep listening if you get rid of the reason why people started

Two little things I noticed in the episode:

Not really related other than that they both air on monday, but I can’t believe HBO is currently airing the closest thing we’ll ever get to “The Wire 2" and this site isn’t recapping it.

There was a great little Easter egg for fans of Mr. Show— the actor who dresses up as the Sandpiper judge was played by John Ennis! (And if you’re not a fan of Mr. Show, well, it’s available on HBO and you should really check it out).