
The extension cord has a twist lock on it. Gus unlocks it so he can lead Lalo down there when he eventually arrives and then kick the cord apart sending them into total darkness. He can then count off the steps to get the loader and retrieve the gun from under the tread and put one in Lalo’s ridiculously contrived

He looked *exactly* like his character in Hawkeye. So much so that I have to assume the shows were filming concurrently (which also explains our lack of on-screen Lalo thus far.)

To be fair, they probably should have put that clip in the callbacks at the beginning of this episode, but I don’t think they did.

That ending was horrifyingly miserable.  Damn it writers for making me think poor Werners wife was going to get shot or the dog was going to get shot.  Reminded me of the great paranoia scenes like One Minute.  I do have one question, how does Lalo know about Werner and his wife?  Am I forgetting something?

With their constant gaffes!

Well, I for one consider this to be world’s most unsuspicious attack that definitely didn’t immediately benefit the victim in every conceivable way while feeding directly into his narrative seamlessly.

Yeah, and BB is 4-5 years after BCS, too, so certainly things could have changed: several years of relative peace in the ABQ drug trade could have gotten Gus to relax a bit.

If that were true, you’d think he’d wear clip-on ties in his interactions with other criminal figures.  But he doesn’t -- the last thing he does before dying is straighten and tighten his tie, and you can’t tighten a clip-on tie.

It’s the same reason Gus has half a closet of drab yellow shirts, when we see him wear much nicer clothing in other contexts. The clip-on tie and yellow shirt sends a signal to the world that Gus is a more of a middle-management type who did well for himself than some kind of business genius.

I know that wordy summaries have de rigueur around this place for a while, but to lose Donna for this, and without a word of mention over her parting . . . such a shame.

Now playing

Marrying Jimmy is a long way to go for a long con.

Mrs. F.: “He wears a clip on tie! His whole life is a fraud!”

This ‘writer’ writes like the naive and simple-minded middle schooler they apparently are, though. They’re scandalized that a process server did their job and mildly annoyed the heroic millionaire empowered girlboss, and couldn’t be bothered to get the facts straight before hitting ‘publish’ because the facts

i can imagine how this would read if the particulars of the involved parties were reversed, lol.

‘whiny crybaby MAN Jason Sudiekis’ throws tantrum over being served custody papers on stage by his Powerful, Courageous Ex Olivia Wilde.’


This was definitely reported as being a female process server, but such pesky facts would fuck with your obvious intentions here, wouldn’t they? You didn’t write ‘a process server’. No, you wrote ‘a man’, as if the term itself is inherently repulsive. How dare ‘a man’ inconvenience a heroic empowered professional

People avoid process servers, often just for the heck of it—to annoy the other side and make them spend money trying to serve papers. In this case, it’s more likely that it was simply a matter that Wilde was staying in Vegas incognito, and/or she has security to keep fans/press/people obsessed with her boyfriend away

It seems odd that Sudeikis, or a representative for him, should even have to give a perfunctory statement explaining that they would have had literally no control or foreknowledge of something like this.

Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?

When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they

Counterpoint: if you’re making $25 an hour, and you have to serve papers to a rich person who doesn’t have a regular place of business, hell yeah catch them at a scheduled appearance. My man still has people to serve, he’s the Amazon driver of legal badnitude. He’s not gonna wait for her talk to be over so he has to

Given if certain tabloid timeline rumors are true though, this is a pretty funny and karmic time and situation to do it.