
If it keeps the mask on your face instead of dangling around your neck, it's not worthless. Focus on getting everyone wearing better masks. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

He was just a good honest man with inexplicably large amounts of cash, a fluctuating number of planes but no license, an appetite for young vulnerable women, and frequent visits to Costa Rica.

Man, it's weird seeing him so young before he developed his Alex Jones character

I didn't like the first series much but I loved the second.

I think this video was more about letting people feel like they're in control of an uncontrollable situation. More of a psychological boost than actual risk mitigation. 

I was never particularly into him, but I am even less into all the hardcore Bernie supporters who act like the worst possible thing would be to have a president willing to reflect the opinions of the largest number of Americans rather than one who says he has the answers. I’m voting for Bernie, again, but not without

So are they just gonna stop releasing any movies in a couple weeks? Just put on public domain stuff for a while?

Randall is like what you'd get if you trained a neural network to try to be Sean O'Neal

Yeah, much better to have all the primaries closer together or simultaneous, so only people like Bloomberg can afford to campaign


Younger voters or younger potential voters who wouldn't actually vote anyway?

If it’s free, what’s to deter people from making restraining orders against every person they can think of, tying up the Court's time and then trying to enforce them constantly?

Because she's a college student in New Hampshire and clearly could not have attended a caucus due to her age. She also said later that she had not in fact attended a caucus.

Maybe it's confusing word salad because he wasn't totally expecting to address that issue a decade later?

Please stop letting Alex Kurtzman write.

Amy Nicholson’s promotional podcast crossover

I think the problem is a JJ trilogy would have worked fine, a Rian trilogy would have been better and probably more in the weirdo spirit of Lucas, but you mix the two and it comes out a mess.

I agree fully. I think there were several transgender victims in fact. I hope someone tells this story well before, say, Ryan Murphy gets his hands on it.

But only one of the deceased lived there, the rest were going to the show. I agree that it's an important and fascinating story that deserves to be interrogated. It gripped me like few news stories ever do.

I mean, they made amends enough that her daughter was in Once Upon a Time