
The freaky thing is that she looks exactly like Uma and exactly like Ethan Hawke at the same time

“Maybe in order to understand mankind we have to look at that word itself. MANKIND. Basically, it’s made up of two separate words ‘mank’ and ‘ind.’ “What do these words mean? It’s a mystery and that’s why so is mankind.”

“Sorry, all available copies of The Mandalorian are currently in use"

Isn’t Buckcherry the true nadir of this genre though

Isn’t Sajak at least as far-right as Limbaugh?

The plane layouts aren't designed by class, they're for practicality. It's practical to have one bathroom serving the front of the plane and one the back. Number of fixtures are dictated by the number of people served. So the planes are explicitly designed to have one restroom serving the front half of the plane and

R.E.M. makes a lot more sense when you realize Stipe was the frontman but Buck was really the leader of the collaborative. Stipe’s solo stuff may very well be good, but let’s not expect it to sound too much like R.E.M.

Will the circle be unbroken?

I read 1996

I'm sure there will be an episode with the Monster rerelease and remix too

Julio Torres should be getting his own spotlight sketches like Jack Handey or Mr. Mike did.

A totally beautiful film, but I don’t see how it could ever have been coherent story telling.

The AV Club should do a series of videos like this, where interesting musicians do unexpected covers

Divx used a phone keycode system, right?

Yeah malls existed, but most were not that large. That's like an Indianapolis class mall.

Winona was gonna say Saks Fifth Avenue, but couldn't get a word in.

I’ve become very confused on how small Hawkins is. It’s a small Indiana town with a big, busy, elaborate mall full of chain stores, a multi-story general hospital, and an elaborate pool with sauna. What's the economic base here, other than secret government facilities?

I always hear "cry it out" but my kids have a tendency to cry till they puke

Maybe she waited until the tour was largely sold for some reason?