
I saw the show live. Ehhhh.

There's one thing to say, and that's "Dammit".

Dice should know better, he's doing schtick, she is not.

Hughes forgot which Kennedy he was mad at.

Vocal is solid, instrumental not so much

11 was much better, more hit than miss, but tainted by the stink of 10

They've been in the US since 1976, they're just becoming more popular now.

Most of all because it’s hilarious to hear them using SAT words

It surprised me, but maybe he just believed that in this life, things are much harder than in the afterworld, so if the elevator brings him down, the survivors can go crazy

It’s happened. Note: I think this article is pretty ridiculous.

I assume they bundle the 3 button wireds so they can sell you 6 button wireless after

The producers responded, saying, "No cuts! No, butts. No! Coconuts!"

Yes, if we’re looking at it from the perspective of his reputation as a genius coming off Thriller, I would say those five singles out of ten tracks were truly great and there was a pretty steep dropoff for the other 5. Much like how you could find many of the White Album tracks to be expendable in terms of not being

The earliest allegations were La Toya saying he was writing hush money checks in 84. So you lose Bad, which was about half good songs, and returns were really rapidly diminishing after that. Most of his career was just riding off the goodwill of Thriller. He wrote some good songs, but the cowriters and producers

He says he's a liberal democrat

It’s too bad there isn't some sort of online superhero encyclopedia where all these origin stories could be tracked

Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him

Jokes about Leno are now as hacky and unfunny as Leno jokes.

I would say none of it individually seemed unlikely but all the elements happening together as described were improbable

It’s funny because one of the innovative things about the original 1950s red and white McDonald’s was that the whole kitchen was visible like a fishbowl.