
Zaxby’s, Guthrie’s, Layne’s, it’s not a terribly unique concept.

Okay, so what black woman qualifies with political experience? We’ve had zero black female governors, we’ve had Carol Mosely-Braun and Kamala Harris in the Senate. A number in the House, but does the House really count? Oprah may be a celebrity, but where else could black women gain a national platform until very

Could they make them not ugly though?

Could they make them not ugly though?

No, the female PepsiCo CEO talked about it on Freakonomics podcast last week. As something their R&D was exploring.

Wish they were just a little shorter so they would fit in my ceiling fixtures. Maybe next year.

Wish they were just a little shorter so they would fit in my ceiling fixtures. Maybe next year.

He’s lazy after all these years.

Is the next season about fucking its mother?

Jimmy John’s has had tons of issues with sprouts over the years

It was especially hard on Dahmer being in Chicago in Milwaukee

Can they do this with Christopher Plummer and call it Liquid Plummer?

Let’s not though

The 90s was for Five Star binders, wasn’t it?

Boss did a pretty good job on Chicago. The Beast, to a lesser extent.

Wait, doesn’t this apology map to his story structure theory?

Jonny Greenwood

Gotta watch for the cranks though. They can bust up a shin pretty good.

A sheet of foil-faced polyisocyanurate would probably work even better.

Wouldn’t that be taped too early or tweeted too late? Taped too late doesn’t make any sense.

For what it’s worth, though, CK wasn’t a celebrity at the time of the allegations, though he was well known among comedians.

“tribbles that look like feet.” “Done.”